Kirk Cameron Hosted A Christmas Caroling Event To Protest California’s Stay-At-Home Orders

December 15, 2020 / Posted by:

The GOP-led death cult continues apace, and just in time for Christmas, Kirk Cameron has decided to play the role of the Little Drummer Boy, drumming up a bunch of souls and leading them to meet their maker, but make it festive! According to TMZ, Kirk has taken the foot long out of his mouth long enough to organize a mass, unmasked Christmas caroling event under the guise of a peaceful protest “in response to govt tyrants telling us how to celebrate Christmas,” per Sing It Louder, the organization he is working with. No one’s gonna tell Kirk he can’t celebrate Christmas by spraying aerosolized coronavirus all over your Grandma with a pitchy rendition of Here Come Santa Claus. It’s a (novel) Cameron family tradition!

No longer content with just endangering the life of his immediate family, Kirk’s death wish now extends to every patriot with a song in their heart. TMZ reports that last night, Kirk ramrodded his second “Christmas Peaceful Protest” in a mall parking lot in Thousand Oaks, California. California of course, is currently under a  stay-at-home-order because there are people dying, Kirk.

Kirk Cameron stuck it to Gov. Gavin Newsom and his COVID guidelines by getting hundreds of people together in public to sing Christmas carols … something he does not regret.

The “Growing Pains” star helped organize a massive outdoor gathering Sunday in the parking lot of the Oaks Mall in Thousand Oaks — where literally swarms of people were huddled up, not wearing masks and singing their hearts and lungs out … breathing up a storm.

Looks like a good time, sure, but it comes mid-pandemic, and in an area where infection rates are already high. Kirk wasn’t concerned … he partnered with an org named Sing It Louder USA, and specifically says it was a protest against Newsom’s stay-at-home orders.

Here’s a look at the #CameronChristmasCarolCarnage.

Imagine dying because Kirk Cameron just had to run up to you and mumble Jingle Bells in your face! The only person I’d let upsot me like that (upsot?) is Barbra Streisand. TMZ adds that Kirk held a similar event on December 6th.

BTW, this mall caroling was the second such event Kirk and co. organized over the past couple weeks — apparently, they did another one on Dec. 6, where Kirk says upwards of 500 people came out to sing. He wanted the mall event to be even bigger than that, and it looks like he might’ve succeeded — the place was absolutely packed.

Can you call it a peaceful protest when someone will surely die because of it? With Jesus, I guess anything is possible. Here’s Kirk’s pitch.

Gonna wear an unnecessary beanie in Thousand Oaks against the “cold” but won’t wear a mask? Get the fuck out of here. TMZ says that mall security called the police on Kirk and his merry band but they “simply educated folks on the importance of mask-wearing and left,” when again, “get the fuck out of here” should have been the directive.

Pic: Instagram

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