Florence Pugh Thinks Its Weird That People Are Allowed To Talk About Her Relationship

May 7, 2020 / Posted by:

Florence Pugh was interviewed for the June issue of Elle UK and wasted precious ink complaining about, for the umpteenth time, how it’s not fair that people are “allowed” to talk about her relationship with Zach Braff, who is 21 years older, and more egregiously, is Zach Braff. Imagine being known as that badass bitch, resplendently adorned in an entire rose bowl parade float, who authorized having her inconsiderate boyfriend sewn into a bear carcass and burned to death, only to fumble the ball so badly you’re now known as Zach Braff’s girlfriend who keeps defending their relationship while he doesn’t defend it at all. That’s how Florence went from “it” girl to “that ain’t it, girl” in a matter of months. And for what, Flo? Him?!

Zach and Flo have been an item since April of last year, and even though she could just do her thing in peace, she’s been drawing attention to the situation by loudly complaining about people being all up in her business and telling her what to do. Once again, Flo brought big “you’re not my dad!” energy to the conversation, which is fitting considering the alarming resemblance between Zach and her actual dad. According to People:

“I have the right to hang out and be with and go out with anyone I want to,” she told the outlet. “I’ve always found this part of what people do really bizarre. I’m an actor because I like acting and I don’t mind people watching my stuff, but people have no right to educate me on my private life.”

Flo still wasn’t done with not telling us about an upcoming project or expounding on her craft instead of talking about her relationship.

“I know that part of being in the spotlight is that people might invade your privacy and have opinions on it, but it’s bizarre that normal folk are allowed to display such hate and opinions on a part of my life that I’m not putting out there,” Pugh continued.

“It’s a strange side of fame that you’re allowed to be torn apart by thousands of people even though you didn’t put that piece of you out there. My point to all this is that isn’t it odd that a stranger can totally tear apart someone’s relationship and it’s allowed?”

Oh, honey, you must be new here. Let me give you a tour. Welcome to the real world. And for better or worse, “normal folk” are “allowed” to talk shit about you, just as you’re “allowed” to ignore them or tell them to shut up and go on with your business. Crazy, right? I can’t wait until she finds out where babies come from. Frankly, I’m surprised Zach hasn’t had the talk with her yet.


Pic: Elle UK/Liz Collins

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