Amanda Bynes Is Possibly Pregnant With Her First Child (UPDATE)

March 18, 2020 / Posted by:

About a month ago, we all found out that 33-year-old Amanda Bynes got engaged to a dude in his 20s named Paul Michael, a dude she met in AA and has only known for a few months. We then heard that Amanda’s mom wasn’t exactly buying mason jars and raffia bows on Amazon (since nearly every damn wedding I’ve been to in the past 5 years has those as their centerpieces) and vowed to not sign off on the marriage, which is something she’d have to do for it to happen because Amanda is still under a conservatorship. And then we heard that during a court hearing, a judge ordered Amanda into a psychiatric facility after meeting with her family, and Amanda at first agreed to go but never checked in, and Paul reportedly called off the engagement when he heard about the current state of her mental health. But THEN, Paul Michael himself ran his ass of to Page Six to tell them that they never broke up, she’s in a residential treatment center (but can come and go as she pleases), and that a hacker got into their Instagram accounts and deleted all the pictures of them together. So yeah…

So while I may have gotten the doctor card a couple of times while playing the Game of Life, I am not a psychologist, but to me, bringing a baby into this situation doesn’t seem like the best idea. But last night, both Amanda and Paul posted an ultrasound picture of a fetus and “sources” claim she indeed has a case of the babies. Well, I guess 2020 just had to throw another Molotov cocktail on the bonfire of WTF that is itself.

Amanda and Paul posted this fetus scan with her name on it, and he captioned it “Baby in the making” and she captioned it “Baby on board.” They both later deleted their Instagram posts.

Even though they deleted their Instagram posts, sources tell People and Us Weekly that this isn’t some early April Fools’ joke (even though every day has been feeling like April Fools’). People has confirmed that she’s pregnant, and a source tells Us Weekly that she is “barely pregnant” and very happy. Some eyewitness type also claims they saw her at an OBGYN appointment yesterday:

The What a Girl Wants star was there to have an ultrasound, the eyewitness tells Us exclusively: “[The friends] were chatting about what to expect” during the visit.

“She seemed excited,” the insider reveals, noting that Michael was not at the appointment. “She was dressed casual and keeping a low profile. The lobby was pretty empty so no one bugged her.”

Of course, People and Us Weekly don’t say who their “sources” are, but if it’s Paul Michael, I’d take the news with an entire Morton Salt Factory. But if it’s true, congrats…?

And I’m also throwing a side-eye at Amanda’s friends, because the eyewitness also didn’t say, “And one of her friends sat in that waiting room with wide, stunned eyes that screamed, ‘Giiiiirrrrl.’

UPDATE: Amanda’s lawyer David Esquibias gave a statement People, and while he didn’t confirm or deny that she’s pregnant, he did ask everyone to give her some privacy and says she’s getting treated for mental health issues. Amanda is reportedly living in an inpatient mental health facility.

“Any reports that Amanda is suffering from drug or alcohol addiction issues are completely false. We ask for privacy during this time, and for any speculation about her personal life from the public and the media to cease so Amanda can focus on getting better.”

I hope Lawyer David gave that same “privacy please” talk to Paul Michael so he can delete Page Six and Us Weekly’s tip lines from his phone.

Pic: Instagram

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