Jeff Goldblum Is On Team Woody Allen

November 7, 2019 / Posted by:

It was just a couple of months ago when Jeff Goldblum was charming everyone inside/out by pretending he didn’t know about Spider-Man leaving Marvel while dressed like Mr. Furely at Comic-Con. Well, I guess Jeff Goldblum was bored by the people slobbering over his charms and decided he needed to turn some against him, because he has let everyone know that Woody Allen is innocent in his eyes and that Woody’s not on his list of bitches he won’t work with. Jeff Goldblum’s defense of Woody comes after one writer claims she’s heard many stories from women about Jeff Goldblum. So you should probably let your mom know that there’s a chance she may have to take down the topless Jeff Goldblum poster she’s got hanging on the inside of one of her cabinets in her craft room.

While pushing his new jazz album in an interview with i Paper, the interviewer Ellie Harrison brought up Woody Allen, because Jeff had a small role in Annie Hall. Woody was also one of the first to tell Jeff that he should do jazz music professionally. Ellie asked Jeff where he falls in boycotting Woody Allen over the allegations from Dylan Farrow. Jeff believes that Woody is innocent of being a pedo:

“I think there is a presumption of innocence until proven guilty,” he says. “I know I enjoyed working with him many years ago and I sat in with his band once too.”

Jeff then praised #MeToo, but made it clear that when it comes to working with Woody Allen, he’s with Scarlett Johansson, Diane Keaton,and Javier Bardem, and not Michael Caine, Greta Gerwig, Timothee Chalamet, Colin Firth, Ellen Page, Rebecca Hall, Evan Rachel Wood, and Mira Sorvino. So if Woody ever needs an actor to play a nebbish ole’ awkward nerd of a grandpa man who seduces a hot young woman in a movie that will only be released in Bulgaria (no offense to Bulgaria), he can call up Jeff Goldblum.

“Even though I feel like this cultural shift [the #MeToo movement] is very, very positive and long overdue and I support it wholeheartedly and take it very seriously, I also admire his body of work. So I would consider working with him again, until I learned something more

Jeff Goldbum’s publicist may not want to scream their tonsils off over him ruining their weekend just yet, because it could get worse. Last month, writer Nicole Cliffe said on Twitter that she heard some #MeToo shit about Jeff Goldblum, and that’s when her inbox got filled with stories from women about him. Nicole said she gave the women the contact info of an investigative reporter.

Jodie Foster may have told us!

Well, so if a Jeff Goldblum exposé does end up ever coming out, I guess it’ll further prove that it’s only a matter of time before all of our favorites are ruined for us. Everybody except for Betty White…. if you ignore the time she flirted with diabolical gnome Ryan Seacrest.


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