Jonathan Cheban Officially Changed His Name To Foodgod

October 28, 2019 / Posted by:

Jonathan Cheban went from pretending to be Kim Karsahsian’s best guy friend on KUWTK to changing his name to Foodgod and pretending to be a food expert, probably because Kim balked when he asked if he could legally change his name to Kim K BFF. But because Kim has powers the federal government does not have, Jonathan has been allowed to make his name change to Foodgod legal. According to TMZ, the official judgement was entered last week in Florida, which is Foodgod’s primary residence, and helps to explain at least a little bit.

Apparently, Kanye West gave him the name Foodgod back in the day, and he’s been using it professionally for years. So I’m going to pretend Jesus is King is actually a Foodgod gospel album. If somebody actually listened to it, could you tell me if there are any songs on there about 24 karat gold chicken wings?

In 2017 Foodgod told Page Six that he was going to change just his middle name to Foodgod, but according to the document provided by TMZ, both of his previous first and last names are moot. According to an L.A. Times interview from January, Foodgod’s journey from mortal to deity began when he woke up one day and realized that he like, eats like, every day.

“I was like, ‘I feel like this is the time for me,’” he recalls of his metamorphosis. “And then I was like, ‘What’s my thing?’ I eat all day. I love to eat. My whole day revolves around food.” He says this as if the love of food is unique to him.

But Foodgod only loves ridiculous food. And only cutting edge ridiculous food at that.

Things dipped in gold are out; so is the Instagram feature Boomerang. Lobster is overrated.

In fact, one can pinpoint the exact moment lobster and gold dipped food became a relic of history. The date was January 30, 2019. And the death knell was delivered by none other than Foodgod himself!

There’s a reason why this level of power and influence is reserved for the Gods. Jesus walked so that Foodgod could get the runs.


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