Pink Jumped To Jessica Simpson’s Defense With A Picture Of Her Kid Getting Her Hair Dyed

August 2, 2019 / Posted by:

Pink’s promise to keep her kids off Instagram lasted approximately as long as it takes for my poop alarm to go off after I’ve had my first cup of coffee. In other words, no time at all! After railing against her haters for criticizing her parenting choices and swearing off sharing any pictures of her kids at all, Pink quickly changed her tune posted them running through the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin to prove a point/stick it to the man/show off her mad cocktail-making skills. Now Pink’s using her kids on social media to defend Jessica Simpson against haters who got mad at Jessica’s  7-year-old daughter getting a dye job. To make her point that #ParentingPoliceAreJustLoneySadPeople, Pink posted a picture of her dying her 8-year-old daughter Willow’s hair blue. If you don’t like, too bad. Pink turned the comments off.

Here’s Pink’s show of soluble dye solidarity.

I can only imagine how enraged the parenting police must have been to see that and be unable to express their outrage. Are they centralized do you think? Like, are there sheriffs for different regions? Is there a sheriff of Instagram, one for grocery stores and movie theaters, and another for mother-in-laws? How exactly does one become deputized (asking for a friend)? Pink has certainly made some interesting choices when it comes to sharing her kids on social media. But this hair dying scandal is laughable. Some of these deputies have never had to tell their mom when it started to burn after having their hair slathered with Just For Me relaxer, and it shows.


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