“The Simple Life” Is Not Coming Back With Paris Hilton And Lindsay Lohan

June 26, 2019 / Posted by:

Entertainment Weekly says that we do not have to suffer through a reboot of The Simple Life, this time starring Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. Obviously someone saw their recent swatting at each other and decided that since The Hills had resurrected for at least another season, maybe they would try it with other scripted messiness from the early-aughts. Enter: Paris Hilton. But don’t worry, she can’t do it because she’s too busy running an “empire.”

A source tells Entertainment Weekly that there is no truth to some rumors popping up saying that there’s a revival coming with Lindsay and Paris as the new leads. This is gonna suck for Lindsay since she kind of needs a steady job now. The reboot was allegedly going to be on Netflix and all this should have really been taken as nothing more than rumor, in my opinion, since a main source of the rumor was a now-suspended Twitter account @TheSimpleLife.

Then the account got suspended, after also suggesting that Lindsay would be working on the theme song to the show (okay, Dina Lohan stop trying to get press for your daughter log off the fake Twitter account). Paris then hit up Twitter to let the truth be known, because I guess she was getting asked about it since she’s not being asked about anything else. That song of hers? Doubt it.

So sorry, those of you who wish to see Paris and Lindsay milk something together are going to have to wait until they’re both desperate enough to leak a threesome sex tape. Because as we know, Paris is too busy selling bottles of stank and pressing play on an iTunes playlist on her MacBook at parties. Besides, a Simple Life reboot is nothing without Kesha and she’s probably not desperate enough for that now.

Pic: Wenn.com

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