Archives: August 2009

Demi Moore Is Full Of Shit (And Silicone…And Maybe Botox)

August 31, 2009 / Posted by:

If you Google “Demi Moore plastic surgery” you’ll find several stories and pictures detailing Demi Moore’s journey down the plastic surgery highway. A couple of years ago, the Daily Mail even ran a story about how Demi dropped hundreds of thousands of dollars on a complete plastic surgery makeover including getting her knees de-wrinkled. Well, Demi once again claims that all of these accusations are made out of one hundred percent LIES, because she’s never had anything done. If your eyeballs didn’t roll right out of your head, hold them tight, because they just might do that after reading Demi’s version of the truth. Keep the phrase “BITCH STOP” waiting in the wings….

Demi told French Marie Claire (via The Telegraph), “It’s completely false, I’ve never had it done. But I would never judge those who have. If it’s the best thing for them, then I don’t see a problem.” Demi went on to yap that she’s not a fan of plastic surgery, “It’s a way to combat your neurosis. The scalpel won’t make you happy. That said, the day when I start crying when I look at myself in the mirror might be the day when I’m less adamant about not having it done. For the moment I prefer to be a beautiful woman of my age than try desperately to look thirty.”

Oh, Demi! This game is fun! You know, I didn’t just gobble down two powdered donuts. No, that was an organic apple and a boiled egg (whites only). And no, I didn’t spend my entire night bonging and boozing. No, I spent it mediating and trying to find my chi (SPOILER ALERT: It was in my bong). See, isn’t that a fun game. We can all play along with Demi!

Why doesn’t Demi just admit this shit? Yeah, she’s not the second coming of Donatella Versace, but she has definitely spent a little quality time with the scalpel. Methinks they might be lovers.

I mean, what does Demi have to say about this:

Let me guess, Demi was sunbathing topless and the wind just happened to blow two silicone-filled plastic sacks into her nipple holes?

The CAPTION THIS Contest WINNER For August 28th!

August 31, 2009 / Posted by:

The Snuggie’s older and less hip cousin, the Quiltie. – Disraeli Ears


New from Fingerhut, the portable nursing home. – Migraine Sally

Alice role plays for Sam the Butcher by dressing up as his favorite bowling bag. – atlantapug

Caution when opening: Contents is HAWT! – jazzfish_77

(Thanks Ray)

Hot Slut Of The Day!

August 31, 2009 / Posted by:

Kitty from The Young and the Restless – Last night, I posted some terrifying pictures of Stacy Haiduk carrying around a stuffed cat as her purse to the Daytime Emmy Awards last night. The creepy cat of my nightmares is actually Stacy’s co-star on the Young and the Restless. Stacy plays Mary Jane, a crazy bitch who thinks her dead cat is real. Jennifer Aniston, this is your future.

Surprisingly enough, Kitty did not win Best Actress at last night’s awards. That dead pussy has more life in her eyes than most of the bitches on daytime TV. ROBBED! Kitty will get ’em next year!


Birthday Sluts

August 31, 2009 / Posted by:

Richard Gere (60)
Jeff Hardy (32)
Sara Ramirez (34)
Chris Tucker (37)
Debbie Gibson (39)
Queen Rania of Jordan (39)
Gina Schock (52)
Julie Brown (55)
Marcia Clark (56)
Van Morrison (64)


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