Christina Milian’s House Got Robbed Twice In Four Days 

August 30, 2018 / Posted by:

If I suddenly became rich and famous overnight, the first thing would be to reinforce all my doors and windows with steel bars. Because if I’ve learned anything about famous people over the past two years, it’s that their houses keep getting robbed. From John Mayer to Emmy Rossum to Kendall Jenner to Nicki Minaj, famous people can’t keep their stuff safe from thieves. Christina Milian is the latest celebrity to get hit by criminals, and apparently her house was so nice, it was burgled twice.

Christina and her boyfriend Matt Pokora share a home in the San Fernando Valley, and things have been kind of a headache for them over the past week. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ that Christina and Matt’s house was broken into last Friday afternoon. The burglars broke in through a side door, and reportedly stole around $100,000 worth of jewelry and watches. Smashing in the door triggered the home’s security system, and police were dispatched. By the time they arrived, the burglars were gone.

Then on Tuesday night, the house was hit again by burglars who smashed in a side door and made off with more of Christina and Matt’s property. Sources tell TMZ it’s not known how much was taken the second time, or whether this robbery was done by the same criminals as the Friday afternoon job. Police will have to wait to talk to Christina and Matt about exactly what went missing, as they’re currently on vacation. Whether it was the same or two totally different burglars, they knew the house would be empty. Christina let everyone know she and Matt weren’t in town by Instagramming that they were in Puerto Rico at the time of Friday’s robbery, and in the South of France during Tuesday’s break-in.

The obvious solution here might be to stop posting pictures showing how far away from home you are to an audience of millions of strangers. But it’s 2018, and do you really exist as a famous person unless you’re bragging about your expensive vacations on social media? No, of course not. Maybe Christina just needs a better security system in case her home is targeted a third time. Like borrowing from her video for her 2004 hit “Dip It Low” and covering the floor near that side door with slippery black paint. Worst case scenario, the burglars leave clear footprints. Best case scenario, the burglars dip it a little too low upon entry, hit their heads on the way down, and stay unconscious until the police arrive.


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