Gwyneth Paltrow Called Chris Martin Her “Brother” Again 

March 3, 2018 / Posted by:

Apple and Moses must be looking at each other uncomfortably, and wishing their mom wasn’t so extra. Caffeine-assed actress Gwyneth Paltrow is full on referring to her ex Chris Martin as her “brother” now. 10, 9, 8, 7…to a GOOP post about embracing incest as a healthy and spiritual practice, especially if you do it on a manatee fur sheet glazed with dew from the Himalayas that you can purchase on the site for $9,000.

Gwyneth posted a pic on Instagram thanking Chris Martin for planting two kids in her. That’s nice but “my brother?” Someone thinks she’s Cersei Lannister…

Her current betrothed Brad Falchuk is probably wondering “does she think I look like her?,” as Ryan Murphy barks at him to create a docu-series about famous genocides for Netflix.

The comments on the IG post indicate that even the Goop-iest of Gwyneth’s followers feel that incest is not best.

I mean if she said best friend I could understand but… brother ?? Incest isn’t cool

no problem with them loving each other . I’d never call someone I had kids with my brother. Creepy

Brother? Giving you these two ?

Surprisingly, there was no comment in there from AngiesBro73 telling Gwyneth’s haters off for her and defending her word usage.

Pic: Instagram

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