Kesha Was Joined By An All-Star Chorus At The Grammys To Perform “Praying”

January 29, 2018 / Posted by:

The Grammys attempted to have their own Time’s Up/#MeToo moment last night; instead of pins or wearing black, some people wore or posed with white roses to symbolize “hope, peace, sympathy and resistance.Kesha took the symbolism one step further by performing “Fuck You, Dr. Luke” (real title: “Praying“) amid a sea of white-clad backup singers. Some of them famous enough to make the audience at home think, “Hey, wait a minute…is that?

Kesha’s performance was introduced by Janelle Monáe, who touched on the Time’s Up movement.

Kesha’s latest album Rainbow was nominated for Best Pop Vocal Album, and “Praying” was nominated for Best Pop Vocal Performance, both of which she lost to Ed Sheeran. But that’s kind of irrelevant. Ed may have two new awards, but Kesha got the good kind of attention in a performance that should once and for all make people finally forget about those brushing-her-teeth-with-a-bottle-of-Jack years.

Kesha’s choir included Cyndi Lauper, Andra Day, Camila Cabello, Bebe Rexha, and Julia Michaels.

Here’s Kesha’s moving performance, you know, until it inevitably gets ripped down by the powers that be.

And here’s more of Kesha before the show in a suit that Miley Cyrus probably attempted to steal backstage.

Pics: CBS,

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