Tori Spelling Sort of Admits That Her Latest Kid Was A Band-Aid Baby

April 13, 2017 / Posted by:

For the past couple of years, it’s been no secret that Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott’s marriage has been messy. Constant financial woes, The Deaner’s wandering peener, etc… Then Tori got pregnant with their fifth kid, and it seemed like everything was roses and rainbows again. Well, Tori recently spoke to People magazine about lil’ baby Beau Dean and it sounds like he’s doing a good job of keeping Tori and Dean stuck together.

Tori claims that “never for a moment” did she want to walk away from her busted marriage to Dean, even though everyone was telling her to divorce him. She says her gut instinct was to stick it out and make it work.

“We worked on everything. The relationship as we knew it died. We had to bury that and start new.”

Part of starting over new and forgetting their old, crappy relationship was to have a new baby.

“Rebuilding our marriage took time. And now, having a new baby, it makes sense. It’s like a new baby in a new relationship.”

The Deaner chimed in with his thoughts, saying: “Thank the sweet stanky lord she didn’t leave! Shoot, I’m too dang lazy to look for a new sugar mama.” No, he just said that he’s “blessed” that Tori never walked away and that he can’t imagine a life without Baby Beau. By the look on Beau’s face in this picture, he still can’t believe he ended up with those two.

Baby Beau has a lot of pressure riding on him to keep them together. Luckily, that responsibility might not rest on his tiny baby shoulders for too long. Tori tells People that she and Dean are open to trying for a sixth kid. You hear that Candy? Call your accountant now and tell them to prepare for another dependent.

“I forgot how much I loved being pregnant. I love the connection. You are never alone…All my kids have their little pair, so I would be open to one more,” Spelling tells People adding with a laugh, “Hey, if people call you the Brady Bunch, you have to complete the Brady Bunch.”

To the person who told Tori her family is The Brady Bunch: how dare you do Florence Henderson like that?? But also, I’m sure Tori and Dean have totally pitched that as a show to someone.

“Here’s the sTori, of a girl named Spelling
Who had six kids with this beady-eyed joke
All of them live off her mom and check book
Because they’re super broke
The Broke-y Bunch”


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