Olivia Wilde Scores A Win In Custody Battle With Ex Jason Sudeikis, But Says He’s “Litigating Her Into Debt”

March 24, 2023 / Posted by:

Olivia Wilde took a hard hit from her ex Jason Sudeikis when he served her legal documents while she was presenting on stage at CinemaCon back in April 2022, and since then, the war has waged even with Harry Styles out of the picture. IMO she missed a perfect opportunity to serve a subpoena while he was talking at The White House press briefing room so they could call it even. But a year after the messy custody battle began, Olivia’s recently managed to score a small win when a judge threw out Jason’s request to move their custody case to New York. And she’s accused Jason of trying to make her go broke by dragging this legal fight on.

This is actually the second time Jason tried to move the case to New York, which a judge rejected back in August 2022. Then he filed an appeal hoping the judge would change their mind. Jason might be trying to dodge high child support payments Matrix-style, because apparently, New York usually awards less child support than California. But you’d think the guy who stars in the 11-time Emmy-winning TV show Ted Lasso would be able to afford child support. According to The Daily Mail:

Friday’s hearing was scheduled to be over whether California courts should determine the warring couple’s fight over the children, Otis, eight, and six-year-old Daisy, or whether New York is the appropriate venue. But on Thursday, a judge in New York rejected Sudeikis’ request for a second time to have the case moved to the east coast.

Despite the small win, Olivia’s still dodging legal bullets, and her lawyer accused Jason of using his money as a weapon to drown her in legal bills since he’s richer than her.

‘While Jason can afford to spin his wheels with filing after filing, Olivia cannot,’ her lawyers wrote in advance of a hearing scheduled in Los Angeles for today, which has now been canceled.

‘Jason seems intent on throwing whatever he can against the wall to see what will stick, and this Request for Order seeking a stay of the California Parentage action is just the latest example,’ they add.

‘Jason should not be permitted to litigate Olivia into debt, and then claim she should be deprived of her right to seek a needs-based fee contribution from him,’ her attorneys write.

According to TMZ, before finding out about Jason’s appeal to move the case to New York, Olivia, and her lawyer thought things were “calming down” and that Olivia and Jason were moving towards dissolving the beef:

Judging from the filings, the battle between them is still raging. Olivia’s lawyers wrote in their docs, “We were scheduled to start working with a family therapist in California in mid-January. I thought things were calming down and were going to move forward in a more amicable, respectful fashion.”

Her lawyers went on … “Instead, I learned on January 10, 2023, that the entire time I was negotiating the parenting time schedule in California [Jason] was plotting to proceed with the New York Child Support proceeding behind my back.”

Hopefully, these two can still move forward with the family therapist since Jason doesn’t have the nanny to spill his guts out to anymore. It seems that when the mustache comes off, Jason becomes a totally different person, and the whole folksy nice guy Lasso character is just that: a character. ACTING!  Big-name directors should start taking a chance on him because the man is a versatile thespian!

Pic: INSTARImages

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