Olivia Wilde And Jason Sudeikis’ Former Nanny Claims Jason Got Under Olivia’s Car To Prevent Her From Going To See Harry Styles (UPDATE)

October 17, 2022 / Posted by:

UPDATE: If there’s one thing Olivia and Jason can agree on, it’s calling their former nanny a liar. They issued this joint statement.

“As parents, it is incredibly upsetting to learn that a former nanny of our two young children would choose to make such false and scurrilous accusations about us publicly. Her now 18 month long campaign of harassing us, as well as loved ones, close friends and colleagues, has reached its unfortunate apex. We will continue to focus on raising and protecting our children with the sincere hope that she will now choose to leave our family alone.”

Here’s the original post:

We finally have some smutty details re: the demise of Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis (ft. Harry Styles). And who do we have to thank? THE NANNY! The Daily Mail scored an interview with the ex-couple’s ex-childcare provider, and they’d better have paid her well, cuz she delivers! Text screenshots and all. The nanny refutes Olivia’s claims that there was no crossover between Jason and Harry. She says Jason told her that he and Olivia were together up until she cheated with Harry on the set of Don’t Worry Darling. Jason alleged that Olivia officially left him in November, right before the couple announced their split. Nanny says Jason was a drunk mess after he got dumped, and, when Olivia made a salad to bring to Harry using her “special dressing,” he became so “infuriated” that he tried to prevent her from leaving by lying under her car. Olivia allegedly told Jason that she was scared of him, and he replied, “If you’re scared of me, why are you leaving your kids with me?” Say it ain’t so, Ted Lasso!

The Daily Mail has every dirty detail, including a bajillion text screenshots, but here are the highlights. Basically, Jason told the nanny that he and Olivia were all good until she cheated. And the nanny confirms that a month before they announced their split, Olivia told staff that she and Jason were planning on finally getting married. All that went to shit, though, when Harry Styles entered the picture. Olivia was giddy and giggly around Harry when the nanny brought Daisy to visit her mother on the set of Don’t Worry Darling. She began spending more and more time away from the family home and blamed it on work. At the beginning of November, Olivia moved into the Paramour Estate Hotel in LA, telling Jason that it was because of a COVID outbreak on set. Then, a week later, she dumped his ass:

The nanny said: ‘It was supposed to be a temporary break for Covid but that turned out to be how she left us. He thought it was a temporary break.’

On the Monday morning November 9, when I came back from a weekend off he was crying a lot, crying and crying. I didn’t know what had happened at all. After I’d got the kids ready, Jason came upstairs and was having some coffee. He was crying and a mess, saying, “she left us. She left us!”‘

Nanny says Jason was “out of control crying” and going on about he wanted Olivia back. Then he dished details to her about how he found out about the Harry affair. Jason allegedly discovered the cheating by reading messages on an Apple watch Olivia left behind. Note to cheaters: THE CLOUD KNOWS ALL. Jason told the nanny: “She put the move on him. She put the first move on him. She kissed him at one of the dinners they had for the cast in Palm Springs. She did that.” 

Shit hit the fan in mid-November. Olivia was briefly staying at the house because Jason was away. She went to a party in Silver Lake with Harry and didn’t get home until 4:00 AM. Two days later, Olivia was in the kitchen making a salad that she was going to take to Harry for dinner. This set Jason off:

The nanny explained: ‘The night she left with her salad, Jason had chased after her, videotaping her in the house. She was saying: ‘I’m scared of you, Jason, I’m scared of you’. And he said: ‘If you’re scared of me, why are you leaving your kids with me’?’

‘So then, Jason went outside and lay under her car so she wouldn’t leave. She got in her car to back up, he lay under her car so she wouldn’t leave. She went back into the house and he went in, it was back and forth. He said he was doing it on purpose to make her late going to see Harry.’

The nanny added: ‘Jason told me: ‘She made this salad and she made her special dressing and she’s leaving with her salad to have dinner with [Harry].’ I said, what salad dressing? He said: ‘She has a special salad dressing she makes for us and she’s taken it to have it with him now’. I don’t know what was in it. Out of everything, he was like, ‘she made her special salad dressing and took it to him.”

The Daily Mail has loads of screenshots of texts from Jason, and, YES, the dressing is mentioned. Nanny says that after they split, Olivia went to couples therapy with Jason, but she “had no intention of repairing things with him.” Nanny thinks Olivia just did therapy to look good. She adds:

‘The thing about that was when Olivia left Jason, as she was filming and going out with Harry, she was still leaving him voicemails and texts saying she loved him and he was her everything. He let me read them and hear them. Jason was like, ‘she was just here naked in the swimming pool and she was naked in our bed.’

‘When I saw Olivia holding hands as a couple with Harry – I couldn’t believe it. Just a month before when we were in LA, she was sending Jason messages saying she loved him. So, it was like, how can she be in this relationship, and then holding hands with someone else a month later? It was a lot of mixed messages.’

Nanny says Jason spiralled and his “nightly drinking habit” worsened. She says that, some days, he would angrily curse Olivia to her. He’d say, “I’m tired of this fucking shit. It’s because of Olivia. She left us.” At the end of December 2020, the nanny went to London with Jason and their two kids, Daisy and Otis. Jason was there to film the second season of Ted Lasso. The nanny says that, at this time, she was also attending the couple’s counselling sessions, but she got pissed when Jason signed her up for sessions with his life coach. The life coach allegedly “pumped her for information” about Olivia. Nanny says Jason would call and text her constantly from the set of Ted Lasso, asking her if she’d heard from Olivia. If the nanny had texted Olivia, Jason would get angry.

Nanny decided to spill everything to Daily Mail (anonymously) because she’s bitter about how her relationship with the family ended. She says she was manipulated and used as a pawn between the warring exes. She decided to resign at the end of January, but agreed to continue working for the couple for another six months so that a replacement could be found. Then, on February 1, an “out of control” Jason went into a drunken rage after finding out the nanny had texted Olivia:

‘He said: ‘You’re going to get your stuff and get out. Why are you sending her messages?’ I said, ‘Jason, you’ve been drinking and I can tell that you’re drunk. You’re very angry and I’m afraid of you’.’

Nanny has more screenshots of the texts from that night. Jason texts her, “I am going to call the police unless you come downstairs and speak with my and sister Lindsay. It is your choice. I do not feel safe with you in the same home as my children right now.” She replied by asking if they could talk the next day: “You’ve been drinking and really angry. I’m very afraid of you right now.” He told her to come downstairs, and that she could “record everything.” Nanny texted Olivia in a panic:

Olivia!!!!!! 911!!!!!!!!!!! Jason is throwing me out!!!!!!!!!! Said he’s calling the cops! He’s angry and drinking! Got upset w me bc I sent you that message!

Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He said I have to leave tomorrow and flying me home

When Nanny didn’t get a reply, she added, “Wow!!!!! Really?! Telling him everything I say but can’t answer? Yet you say you love and care about me.” Olivia finally texted back, explaining that she was on set and couldn’t answer. Jason fired the nanny that night and flew her home to America the following day. Nanny said she “got nothing, nothing at all” after getting canned. She couldn’t get severance pay cuz Olivia and Jason claimed she wasn’t technically fired. Nanny says she texted Olivia four months ago to get some closure on the kids but didn’t receive a proper response:

‘Just how they handled it – like I was a bag of trash being thrown out. It took me a long time to be able to come out and say, what you did was wrong.’

She added: ‘I texted Olivia [four months ago] and asked if she would be interested in mediating. I said, ‘hi Olivia, hope you’re doing well. Miss the children so much’.

‘She said ‘sending you love’ with a heart as if nothing happened. She spoke to somebody and they sent me an email that asked what I wanted to mediate about, and I said my wrongful termination. And to give the kids a proper goodbye and let them know I didn’t abandon them. She never got back to me.’

A source close to Jason told Page Six that the nanny “resigned” and wasn’t let go. An Olivia source told The Daily Mail the same thing. What I’d really like Olivia to disclose is what the hell’s in this super secret special salad dressing! Unless it’s a euphemism. It’s gotta be a euphemism, right? I could see pizza or chocolate driving someone into a blind rage, but salad dressing?

Pic: Bill Davila/startraksphoto.com

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