In Her Response To Jason Sudeikis’ Child Custody Filing, Olivia Wilde Says He Chose To Serve Her In “The Most Aggressive Way Possible” Onstage At CinemaCon (UPDATE)

August 10, 2022 / Posted by:

Back in April, Olivia Wilde was served custody papers from Jason Sudeikis while onstage at CinemaCon in front of 4,000 people. She was there to talk about her upcoming movie, Don’t Worry Darling, aka the flick where she and Harry Styles fell in love. After the incident made headlines, Jason’s spokesperson said “he would never condone her being served in such an innappropriate manner.” But many people, including the folks at CinemaCon and a random family law attorney interviewed by People, thought that was bullshit; Jason totally knew! And it looks like Olivia agrees. In new court documents obtained by The Daily Mail, she accuses Jason of intentionally trying to “embarrass” and “threaten” her by serving her “in the most aggressive manner possible.” Ohhh, I dunno, Olivia. Jason could’ve gone full Looney Tunes and stuck a lit stick of dynamite into that manila envelope.

Since they split in late 2020, Olivia, 38, and Jason, 46, have been co-parenting and sharing custody of their children, Daisy, 5, and Otis, 8. They’ve been alternating one-week periods of “parental access” while splitting their time between New York, LA, and London. But this spring, the pair had a disagreement about where they will permanently raise the kids. Jason is taking a year-long break from work (must be nice!), and will spend his off-time in New York, which he regards as his permanent home. He wants Daisy and Otis to be there with him, and he thinks it’s in their best interest to be raised in Brooklyn. Olivia disagreed, pointing out that the kids haven’t lived in New York for many years and they’ve only ever gone to school in LA and London. Then, according to Jason, Olivia told him she intended to have the kids live in LA until the end of the 2023 school year. After that, Jason says, Olivia plans to permanently relocate their children to London. And this is when Jason served her the custody papers at ComicCon.

In her recent court filing, Olivia says Jason employed “outrageous legal tactics” to deliver the documents mid-speech, via The Daily Mail:

‘Jason’s actions were clearly intended to threaten me and catch me off guard. He could have served me discreetly, but instead he chose to serve me in the most aggressive manner possible,’ she said  in the documents.

‘The fact that Jason would embarrass me professionally and put our personal conflict on public display in this manner is extremely contrary to our children’s best interests. Since Jason has made it clear that we will not be able to work this out for our children’s sake outside of the court system, I filed a petition for custody in Los Angeles.’

Jason responded with his own docs, claiming he’d been “reluctant” to serve Olivia because he “continues to care deeply for her,” but he was scared about two statements she made during a conversation:

‘First, Olivia said that if I did not reside full-time in Los Angeles, she would allow me to spend time with Otis and Daisy on weekends and during vacation periods – thus depriving me of my right to parent the children during important periods of their lives…,’ Sudeikis said. He continued: ‘Second, Olivia said that she intended to relocate with the children to London following the close of school in 2023.’

Sudeikis, ‘fearful’ that she would ‘take Otis and Daisy’ from him, said he then asked his attorney in that moment to serve the summons and petition to Wilde knowing shew was scheduled to travel to LA the next morning.

Jason claims that he hoped his ex would be served in a “benign manner,” requesting that it would take place at Heathrow Airport, and not Harry Styles’ home in London, where Olivia is currently living:

‘I did not want service to take place at the home of Olivia’s current partner because Otis and Daisy might be present. I did not want service to take place at the children’s school because parents might be present,’ Sudeikis said.

Jason says the process server couldn’t serve Olivia that day, so the plan was moved to Vegas, where Olivia was going for CinemaCon. He claims the server failed to serve her at her hotel, but then “noticed Olivia at the Warner Brothers Panel and proceeded to serve the Summons and Petition upon Olivia”:

Sudeikis said he continues to ‘feel great distress at the manner in which service was made.’  ‘I understand that the process server had only done her job; however, I deeply regret what happened. Olivia’s talk was an important event for Olivia, both professionally and personally, and I am very, very sorry that the incident marred her special moment,’ he added.

Damn, this got messy! And to think, I initially thought this split would be all classy and consciously uncoupley, even with that homewrecking slut Harry Styles in the mix. Oh, wait, I forgot to blame the woman: fuck you and your gallivanting, Olivia Wilde!

UPDATE: The court sided with Olivia and tossed out Jason’s request for the case to be in New York since the children’s permanent home is in Los Angeles. So the custody case will stay in California.

Pic: Media Punch/

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