Scientists Have Named A Species Of Tree After Leonardo DiCaprio

January 7, 2022 / Posted by:

Members of the Pussy Posse were probably so confused by this news. “A tree? Sure I guess, but Leonardo DiCaprio is much more familiar with a bush.” If only those scientists knew the man they were naming tree species after, they might have stayed a little more on brand. But for now, they decided to honor the part-time eco-activist with his own kind of tree. Leo gets his own tree before aspiring tree Scarlett Johansson? A bold move.

Researchers from the Royal Botanic Gardens in the UK recently found what they believe is a new species of tree in the Cameroon forest, which is apparently well-known for its rich biodiversity. The scientists wanted to honor Leo’s pledge to save the rainforest. They also believe that Leo’s tree-saving work was “crucial” in helping to stop logging in the Ebo Forest. And so, Leo gets a tree named after him. I wish I could say they have called it Tree-o DiCaprio, but sadly they went just a bit more scientific with it. via The New York Post:

In 2020, DiCaprio, 47, campaigned to protect the forest, home to the Banen people and a diverse population of plants and animals. He posted appeals on social media, linking to a petition for his followers to sign. DiCaprio’s efforts aided international experts, who wrote a letter to the Cameroonian government detailing the endangered species of both animals and plants that reside in the forest.

Researchers from the Royal Botanic Gardens discovered a tree – and named it Uvariopsis dicaprio.

I’m sure Leo was proud to hear this news while lounging on a gas-guzzling mega yacht.

The tree has been nicknamed “Dicaprio” for short, and this is what it looks like. According to the scientists, it’s a member of the ylang-ylang plant family, and is a small tropical evergreen with yellow flowers on its trunk. It has already been classified on the critically endangered plant list.

Now that it has been given a name by the Royal Botanic Gardens, those researchers should study that tree to see how it behaves in the coming seasons. Does a smaller, younger, skinnier tree spontaneous sprout up beside Leo’s tree? And then when you check on Tree-o DiCaprio three to four years later, has a new younger tree replaced the first younger side-tree? Yup, that’s Leo’s tree!


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