Donald Trump Jr. Is Now Selling Cameos For $500 A Piece

June 3, 2021 / Posted by:

Well, Donald Trump Jr. has gotten himself the same kind of highly esteemed gig that only the absolute Triple A-caliber of the A-list get involved with: Cameo. That’s right, Don Jr. must have seen that Kevin From The Office made over a million dollars in Cameos and assumed he could have the same kind of relevance. Hilarious to think that this shit-stain could think himself as relevant and in-demand as a background character from a comedy series that hasn’t been on the air in eight years, but he’s really trying it!

Business Insider says that Don Jr. has a new gig on Cameo where he offers up his services (nothing) for $500 and up. Yeah, people spend more than that to see this dumbass read a script. A standard video from DTJ costs $525 if you want it delivered within two to seven days. But if you wanna splurge for $787, Don Jr. will put the cocaine down and crank that shit out in 24 hours or less. I’m not exaggerating when I say that spending $15,000 on ten minutes with Jeremy Piven is a better use of your money.

Don Jr.’s profile described him as a “Father, Patriot, Outdoorsman, Businessman, Political Commentator and #1 NYT Bestselling author.” His profile also reveals that “a portion” of proceeds from his videos go to the Shadow Warriors Project, which is a foundation supporting private US military contractors led by Mark Geist. Mark Geist was a private security contractor in Benghazi during the 2012 terror attack on the US embassy.

In one of Don Jr.’s videos sent to a supporter in Australia he said:

“Don’t worry about it if your wife’s mad at you for saying that election night 2016 was the happiest night of your life … there’s millions of people just like you, you can tell her I said that. Thanks for helping us out and support us in going after the liberals and the crazies on CNN.”

Here’s his intro to Cameo to haunt your nightmares, or if you’re Aubrey O’Day, start your nether regions tingling. God, that woman needs therapy.

Finally, something more depressing than Tori Spelling‘s virtual meet and greets. I have to say, a Cameo from Donald Trump Jr. actually sounds like the worst thing possible to receive. I would rather get a phone call from a ghost telling me I’m going to die in seven days. But can’t wait for Aubrey O’Day to commission her “soulmate” to send a video to her where he says: “I broke up with Kimberly, and it’s always been you,” in his fake deep Muppet voice.

Pic: Instagram

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