Brad Pitt Has Won Joint Custody Of The Kids After A Judge Shot Down Angelina Jolie’s Request To Let The Children Testify

May 26, 2021 / Posted by:

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were declared divorced in 2019 but they continued to shank each other over custody of the child army. It’s lasted so long that one of the kids aged out of the process– lucky Maddox! But the rest of the brood (17-year-old Pax, 16-year-old Zahara, 14-year-old Shiloh, and the 12-year-old twins, Vivienne and Knox) were up for grabs. It seemed like this messy custody battle was going to last until Vivienne and Knox blew out the 18 candles on their birthday cake (and yes, Angie and Brad would then grab chunks of that cake and throw it at each other). But Page Six says that the judge, who Angelina tried to get removed from the case, has tentatively given Brad joint custody after shooting down her wish for the children to testify against their dad about his alleged abusive ways. Angie and Brad aren’t putting down their shanks, though, because she will reportedly continue to fight his ass.

19-year-old Maddox Jolie-Pitt, who Brad allegedly attacked on a private plane in 2016, reportedly testified in the case, and he can make that decision since he’s over 18. But when it came to the other children, Judge John Ouderkirk refused to let them testify. Judge Ouderkirk also gave Brad more time with the kids:

“There was a significant change made in the custody agreements based on an extremely detailed decision made by the judge… Brad was just trying to have more time with his kids — and it has been clear that Angie has done everything possible to prevent this… This trial lasted for several months and there were a fuck ton of witnesses, experts, therapists and other people who have been with the kids and around them, and the decision was based on this.”

A different source emphasized this was a “tentative decision” and that Angelina wasn’t against Brad getting joint custody. Reportedly, Angelina submitted legal docs in March which gave background into the history of domestic violence she’s alleging. Although, it won’t be made public since it was sealed.

“Joint custody is not the issue that Angelina objects to, there were other issues of concern, but the court proceedings are closed and sealed,” the source said.

Apparently, Angelina’s only real legal hope is to get Judge Ouderkirk removed on appeal. And coincidentally her legal team made a filing with California’s Second District Court of Appeal. via Yahoo!:

“Judge Ouderkirk denied Ms Jolie a fair trial, improperly excluding her evidence relevant to the children’s health, safety, and welfare, evidence critical to making her case.”

She added that the judge “has failed to adequately consider” a section of the California courts code, which says it is detrimental to the child if custody is given to a person with a history of domestic violence – but has not given any more information on this point.

Brad is obviously excited to get joint custody and his lawyer did a victory lap:

“Ouderkirk has conducted an extensive proceeding over the past six months in a thorough, fair manner and reached a tentative ruling and order after hearing from experts and percipient witnesses.”

Pitt’s filing said the judge found Jolie’s testimony “lacked credibility in many important areas, and the existing custody order between the parties must be modified, per Mr Pitt’s request, in the best interests of the children.”

It adds that Jolie’s objections and delays in reaching an agreement would cause “grave harm upon the children, who will be further denied permanence and stability.”

So the fight continues, and I guess that’s good for tabloid editors. Because the day that they don’t get calls from “sources” (aka Team Brad or Team Angie) to talk shit about the other side is the day that they hug themselves tight with fear over the uncertainty of this strange new world they’re living in.


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