Leah Remini Says That Tom Cruise Is The New David Miscavige

July 30, 2020 / Posted by:

Former Scientologist turned anti-Scientology warrior queen, Leah Remini, talked to Us Weekly and reiterated how Tom Cruise isn’t the “nice guy” everyone thinks he is. Leah also accused the ruling disciples of L. Ron Hubbard of stopping her new Scientology special from airing in Australia. Damn! Even Lindsay Lohan can get on TV in Australia!

Since Leah left the Church of Scientology, she’s hosted her Emmy-winning reality show Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath, which shed light on abuses by the church. Her finale special was even dedicated to the women who were allegedly assaulted by Danny Masterson. And look what happened to him. Another one of her targets has been Tom, the right-hand man (and no, that isn’t a circle jerk joke) to David Miscavige. Or is David the right-hand man of Tommy? Whatever the case may be, Leah pissed in Tom’s barley porridge more than once, and previously called him “diabolical.”

While talking to Us Weekly, Leah said Tom’s a product of PR and that he is David Miscavige 2.0:

“I think it’s time for people to start waking up to the real facts here. Tom has for years manipulated his image to be the good guy. Although I believe there was a time when Tom was a decent and kindhearted person, he has morphed himself into David Miscavige and is completely dedicated to Scientology’s mission to “clear” planet Earth–which means making 80 percent of the world’s population into Scientologists.”

80%? LOL! Like 80% of humanity could ever agree on anything?

Leah continued to drag Tom saying that for years he’s used “Scientology and its staff to do his dirty work,” naming Tommy Davis in particular–the Senior VP of the Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre. She also said Scientology broke up Tom and Nicole Kidman, which isn’t new news. Leah added that Tom even made a woman go bankrupt:

“Tom has for years used his Church to torture his employees by sending them in for interrogations at their expense, causing a woman I know to go bankrupt simply because the hours she worked for Tom made it impossible for her to raise her family. She was interrogated and punished by her church for years, causing her to lose her home. These are some of the things Tom has done that never get talked about, and I think it’s time to change that.”

This offensive strike may be related to her show Scientology: Black Ops getting pulled from Australia’s 7News. The show was canceled last minute and Leah knows why:

“This show had been legally vetted since January by Channel 7. Up to 10 hours before it was going to air, it was still scheduled to go. The last-minute decision to kill it has Tom Cruise, Tom Davis, and James Packer written all over it.”

James Packer is Mariah Carey’s Australian billionaire ex who once confirmed himself as a Scientologist but later backed away from the cult. 7News gave this statement for why the show was pulled:

“7NEWS adjusted the scheduling of the series of its own volition and due to legal concerns.”

Leah Remini needs to start getting creative. I love this energy, calling out Tom wherever possible–she even has a podcast so she can do all the Black Ops she wants to Scientology there. I think she might benefit from a change in strategies. You wanna dispel Tom Cruise’s magic? Hide his booster stools! Sneak onto set of his movies and sabotage his heels so they break during filming! Go after Tom where it hurts!

Pic: Wenn.com

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