Kim Kardashian And Kanye West Have Threatened To Sue The Former Bodyguard Who Blabbed About Working For Them

June 1, 2020 / Posted by:

Oh, so that’s why Kanye West has done the absolute least in response to the police brutality protests that happened over the weekend. He was just too busy working with Kim Kardashian on a plan to possibly sue their former bodyguard for revealing alleged secrets about the weird and annoying things that happened while working for them. Hey, it happens! Sometimes your schedule just fills right up with reasons why you can’t call up your friend and call them out. But that’s not what we’re talking about here, we’re talking about a former bodyguard named Steve Stanulis who might soon be the subject of a very expensive $10 million lawsuit.

Last month, Steve appeared on a podcast and revealed what he claimed was the truth about working for Kim and Kanye. Steve claimed that Kanye flipped out on him on his first day of work because Steve didn’t know which elevator floor they were supposed to be on. Steve also claimed he was required to walk 10 paces behind Kanye at all times, and suggested that Kim and Kanye have been calling the paparazzi on themselves whenever they’re seen in public.

Kim and Kanye could have just shrugged it off and pretended they’ve never heard of Steve, and we all would have forgotten about it. But TMZ says they’re validating Steve’s existence by threatening to sue him. Kim and Kanye issued a cease-and-desist to Steve, informing him that if he comes forward with any more “false and defamatory” statements, they’ll sue him.

According to Kim and Kanye’s cease-and-desist, Steve breached the confidentiality agreement he signed when he started working for them. Kim and Kanye allegedly informed Steve that if he ever said another word about them, they would sue him for at least $10 million. But Kim and Kanye might also be playing a game of financial chicken. TMZ points out that they threatened to sue Steve back in 2016 for talking about his former employers.

Steve’s publicist doesn’t think Kim and Kanye have any ground for a lawsuit, because he wasn’t saying anything new. His publicist also suggested that Kim and Kanye put their legal team to better use.

“No breach of any confidentiality agreement was done. My client went on a podcast to promote his new film, and old stories that were already out there were brought up. For Kanye and Kim’s counsel to send out a threatening letter to bully my client against his rights is unwarranted. My client has already made it clear that he respects Kanye, their time working together. If Kanye and Kim wish to continue this further, that is up to them, but I think their time and money would be better suited helping out with more pressing matters in our society than what happened many years ago.”

Only time and podcast availability will tell whether Steve will speak again. But the thing that confuses me is the number Kim and Kanye came to when deciding how much they’d sue Steve for. Right now it’s $10 million. But back in 2016, they threatened him with a $30 million lawsuit. Altering $30 million to $10 million for the exact same offense? Who was in charge of the financial decisions here, Kylie Jenner?


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