Sam Hunt Got Busted For DUI In Nashville After Driving The Wrong Way Down A Street

November 21, 2019 / Posted by:

In one of the only Sam Hunt songs I know, Body Like A Back Road, he croons out the lyric, “I know every curve like the back of my hand.” But in real-life, Sam Hunt doesn’t know every curve of the streets in Nashville, because he drove the wrong way down one. Or least I should say he doesn’t know every curve while Budweiser is his co-pilot. Because country singer Sam Hunt was arrested for allegedly driving while twenty shades of drunk.

TMZ says that 34-year-old Sam Hunt was pulled over this morning in Nashville after cops caught him driving the wrong way down a street, and he was swerving a bit. Now, just because someone’s driving the wrong way down a street, doesn’t mean they’re plastered. I mean, he could’ve been sing screaming the Broadway cast recording of The Cher Show and didn’t see the one way sign when he turned (GUILTY! And great, now I just admitted to disturbing the peace and driving under the influence of CHER!). But when cops sauntered up to his car window, they said he smelled like booze, his eyes were bloodshot, there were two empty beer cans on his passenger seat, and instead of handing them his drivers license, he handed over a credit card and a passport. Turns out his drivers license was on his lap the entire time.

Sam Hunt was a crotch full of piss and a slurry “chuuu no wut yerrrrr prawblemz iz” away from checking every box on the list of How To Let A Police Officer Know That Booze Has Replaced Water As The Majority Fluid In Your Body.

But the cops needed more proof to arrest him. They gave him several field sobriety tests which he failed as if he was me taking a second grade math quiz. And when he blew into the Breathalyzer, it read: Real Housewife At The Launch Of Her Prosecco Brand. Sam blew a 0.17, which is more than twice the legal limit of 0.08.

Sam was arrested and released hours later after posting $2,500 bond. This is Sam working some neck beard action in his mug shot.

The local news came for TMZ’s job by catching Sam Hunt leaving jail, and he’s either meeting his ride around the corner or doing the ultimate walk of hungover shame all the way home.

Sam is due in court on January 17, 2020.

Even though Sam could’ve killed someone, Tennessee state law reportedly states that first time DUI offenders will get around 48 hours in jail. If Sam Hunt ends up in jail, then Nashville PD better double up on officers. Because shameless thirsty gays everywhere are going to commit crimes in Nashville so they can be jailed and possibly shower next to Sam “Destroy This Man Cunt” Hunt. No, I didn’t make up that nickname. Okay, maybe I did. Yes, I’ll go stand in the corner.


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