Alec Baldwin Is Suing The Guy He Got Into That Parking Spot Fight With

November 5, 2019 / Posted by:

One year ago, Alec Baldwin pulled a classic Alec Baldwin move and got into a messy fight with a stranger on the streets of New York City over a parking spot. Alec was arrested and charged with misdemeanor assault and harassment, and at first he denied he did anything wrong, but later pleaded guilty. A judge then made the DUH-ist decision of all time by ordering Alec to take some anger management classes, and that was that. Except it wasn’t, because Alec Baldwin has now decided to file a defamation lawsuit.

61-year-old Alec got into it with a 50-year-old motorist named Wojciech Cieszkowski, because Alec’s friend was allegedly saving Alec a spot at 10th Street and 5th Avenue when Wojciech swooped in and took it. It was reported that Alec had punched Wojciech in the face, and that Wojciech had to be taken to the hospital to treat his injuries. Alec maintained that he never punched Wojciech. Police sources later told TMZ that Wojciech actually reported that Alec hit him with his hand, which is more of a slap than a punch. Woj also spoke to Page Six, saying that he was going to be fine (and Page Six noted that Woj’s face didn’t appear to have any physical evidence of Alec Baldwin’s hands).

In Alec’s lawsuit, he calls Woj a liar and implies that Woj has attempted to shake him down. Alec writes:

“When two New Yorkers get into an argument over a parking space, typically what happens is they exchange a few sharp words and then move on with their lives. But that is not what happened here. Cieszkowski has instead made up a false story about the encounter and refused to move on unless Baldwin succumbs to his extortionate demands.”

Alec doesn’t deny he was pissed, but he also claims to have good reason to be. Alec’s wife Hilaria Baldwin and one of their children were standing on the curb, and Alec believes Woj pulled up way too close to his family. Alec acknowledges that he “lightly” pushed Woj, but accuses Woj of turning around and blowing that light push out of proportion to the police. Alec also has hospital records and surveillance video footage that he believes will accurately show what really allegedly happened during their parking space fight.

After Alec pleaded guilty, his charge was reduced to harassment in the 2nd degree, and anger management classes. Alec has since claimed the only thing his anger management classes taught him was that he didn’t have an anger management problem. But what you read in the press was that Alec is an aggressive hot-head who would whoop a trick over a parking spot. That’s why Alec is suing for defamation.

If I was Wojciech, this would be where I’d have my lawyers shout from the rooftops that I’m guilty and that Alec is an innocent man, and should be awarded a special medal of honor from Mayor Bill de Blasio for being such an upstanding New York citizen. Because you do not want this going to trial. Alec is in his 60s, he’s currently got four little kids at home, and he’s about to add a newborn to that. A legal trial is the perfect excuse to get out of the house, and stay out of the house. He’ll start calling sewer rats as witnesses, or asking the judge if he may perform a dramatic re-enactment in character as Trump. Wojiciech, do not doubt the lengths someone is willing to go to avoid cleaning up newborn baby poo.


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