Jeremy Piven Says He Was An “Easy Target” For The #MeToo Movement

July 3, 2019 / Posted by:

One of the slimy sea creatures (not a fish joke, I swear) that got caught in the wake of the 2017 #MeToo movement was Jeremy Piven. Former Playboy Playmate Ariane Bellmar accused Jeremy of groping her on the set of Entourage and later at the Playboy Mansion. Two more women also accused Jeremy of being gross, and Jeremy responded by denying it all and offering to take a lie detector test (which he passed).

Things might have worked out in Jeremy’s favor, but he’s still so upset that it happened to him, and he recently admitted he believes he was only accused because he played a douchebag on television. What a diabolical plan! Someone should alert the rest of the douchebags of Entourage, for they could all be next.

The Sun says that Jeremy discussed the accusations during a recent episode of The Andrew Schulz podcast. Pull out your tiniest violins for Jeremy, because he’s been through it. Jeremy describes himself as “taking one for the team” and the “collateral damage” of the #MeToo movement, because – in his opinion – no one did any fact checking on Ariane Bellmar’s claims and published it for the clicks. Jeremy thinks he got lumped in with the “bad guys” like Harvey Weinstein because his Entourage character Ari Gold made him an “easy target.” Jeremy believes people couldn’t separate him from the character, and just assumed he too would be an on-set creep.

“He is a very powerful agent, right? Because think about this. It’s very easy…They had just taken down another powerful Hollywood guy. I am a journeyman actor, stage actor…I am a Jewish stage actor. There is no white privilege. I did 40 movies before I did Entourage where I’m playing blah blah blah’s best friend, we were getting scale plus-ten and I’m grinding and I wouldn’t change a thing, OK? So I’ve earned every crumb in my life.”

He also thinks that any woman who accused him of anything, and the people that believed those accusations, were just excited to live out some kind of TV character revenge fantasy.

“Then you play a major Hollywood guy, who is very abrasive, and we all know those people – they exist, and they’re not so fun. It’s fun to watch, but we don’t want to be around them. That’s an easy target to take a shot at. Not only who wouldn’t believe it, but who wouldn’t rally behind it to take that guy down?”

Jeremy also believes there was a conspiracy against him. A conspiracy for…page hits.

“Think about this for a second. Who benefits from putting that story out? What is the variable? It’s all about the clicks, right? It was a feeding frenzy, and the editors basically said, ‘Go out there and get me more, get me those Hollywood actors.’ Let’s round them up.”

The real tragedy to Jeremy is that “opportunists” are coming out and making “the real victims” take a step back. But none of them can compete with the real victim, who according to Jeremy is Geoffrey Rush, who won a defamation lawsuit regarding his accusations, and no one even knew. Apparently Jeremy thinks that not one person reported on Geoffrey Rush’s court case. Poor Jeremy. Someone please buy Jeremy an iPad with a working WiFi connection. And while they’re at it, maybe they can find Jeremy an outfit that doesn’t make him look like the douchiest bouncer at a pool club called Le Bro. Gosh, I’d hate for someone to confuse him for a douchebag target again and get the urge to accuse him of something.

Pic: YouTube

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