Satanists Are Suing Netflix Because Of “The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina”

November 1, 2018 / Posted by:

Netflix’s The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is getting sued by The Satanic Temple. Are they suing them because we really did not need a remake of another beloved 90s show just with a dark twist? No. They’re suing them for using their copyrighted monument design and also misrepresenting the deity as “something evil”. Satanists suing for suggesting Satan is evil? Hmm… A bit late for that, methinks.

The Cut is reporting that The Satanic Temple’s co-founder Lucien Greaves sent out a tweet about The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina being total trash and that they would be calling their lawyers:

The issue is the use of the copyrighted statue design of Baphomet, a “goat-headed deity typically associated with Satan”. In the show, the statue is in the center of the Academy of Unseen Arts, the witch school where Kiernan Shipka‘s Sabrina Spellman practices her witchcraft.

The Satanic Temple calls themselves a “non-theistic religion” because they don’t believe in God or the Devil, though they “do have deeply held beliefs they believe should be protected like any other religion’s.” They’ve been known to stunt on the public while protesting Christian interference in the US government, such as when they built an 8-foot tall statue of Baphoment cast in bronze that they wanted to install next to a statue of the Ten Commandments on government property in Arkansas. Arkansas? Maybe California, girl. Try a blue state. Today that statue is in their headquarters in Salem, Massachusetts. Salem? And they’re mad at Sabrina? Shouldn’t they love witches?

Speaking with SF Gate, Lucien said:

“It’s distressing on the grounds that you have to worry about that association being made where people will see your monument and not know which preceded the other … and thinking that you arbitrarily decided to go with the Sabrina design for your Baphomet monument, which rather cheapens our central icon. I feel that the use of our particular image that is recognized as our own central icon [being] displayed fictionally as central to some cannibalistic cult has real-world damaging effects for us.”

The legal specifics have not been reported, but Lucien wants Netflix to remove the statue from their show, also confirming that the Satanists lawyers (which they probably have a ton of… get it? Because lawyers go to Hell?) have sent a letter to Netflix telling them to cease and desist. The Satanic Temple co-founder, Malcom Jarry also chimed in, saying:

“If a resolution cannot be worked out, we will take aggressive actions to protect our copyright.”

These fools at Netflix should have really thought twice before trying to swindle The Satanic Temple. That’s right, honey! This ain’t no game! Even Satan wants his 10%.

Pic: YouTube.

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