Leave Harper Beckham’s Pacifier Alooooooooooooone, So Says Her Dad

August 11, 2015 / Posted by:

My favorite literary journal of the utmost integrity, The Daily Mail, yanked the pacifier out of Harper Seven Beckham’s 4-year-old mouth the other day when they published new pictures of her with a binky in her mouth. They also asked the question that should keep all of us from going to sleep every single night: “Why does Harper, four, still use a dummy?” “Dummy” is British talk for pacifier.


The Daily Mail spoke to several “experts” who put on their Captain Concern Troll cap and said that in their professional opinion, if Harper keeps using a pacifier, she’ll have teeth like a hockey-playing meth head who chewed on a bunch of rocks, and she could also develop a speech impediment. Their experts say that chirrun should only use a pacifier for a few months and that no 4-year-old should depend on one. Child Protective Services must’ve been closed the past few days, or something, because I didn’t read anything about how all the Beckham children were taken away after CPS learned Posh and David Beckham were committing the worst kind of child abuse by letting their 4-year-old daughter use a pacifier.

Becks jumped on Instagram yesterday and served a Super Sized cup of “Stick A Pacifier In Your Mouth And Shut The Fuck Up” to the Daily Mail and judgy parents who live to judge.

Why do people feel they have the right to criticize a parent about their own children without having any facts ?? Everybody who has children knows that when they aren’t feeling well or have a fever you do what comforts them best and most of the time it’s a pacifier so those who criticize think twice about what you say about other people’s children because actually you have no right to criticize me as a parent …

I’ve said this before, but I sucked on my thumb until the 3rd grade (the jokes, they tell themselves) and my teeth came out all kinds of jacked up. I had teeth like a rabbit on crack. My buck teeth were in a different zip code than my mouth. It only took 2 years of nighttime headgear use and 5 years of braces to straighten that wonky situation out. But I’m sure Harper’s teeth will be fine and even if they’re not, Posh and Becks can easily afford to have all of her teeth replaced with tiny bars of diamonds.

But what if H7 is a tiny raver and she was using that pacifier because she was rolling on E? And the Daily Mail is rudely trying to screw with her roll. Now that’s a real act of child abuse!

Here’s the pacifier defender looking hot while leaving Hole Cycle (typo and it stays) in L.A. yesterday.

Pics: Wenn.com, Splash

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