Not Very Christian

January 24, 2008 / Posted by:

I’m not surprised that people are already making inappropriate comments about the death of Heath Ledger. Tragedy really brings out the idiots. I’m tackier than tacky, but even I know when it’s time to shut the yapper. John Gibson of FoxNews takes the cake though. ThinkProgress has audio of this fool making jokes. John played a clip from “Brokeback Mountain” where Jake Gyllenhaal says “I wish I knew how to quit you.” The ever-clever John responded with, “Well he found out how to quit you.” He goes on to call Heath a “weirdo” with a “serious drug problem” and then says it’s a “terrible thing.” Ok, if you’re going to be an ass, be a fucking ass. Don’t act like you care or you have any concern.

John didn’t stop there. Throughout his entire show he kept talking about it even when the topic was on something else. He wouldn’t drop it and move on. Can’t this piece of trash just keep his mouth shut?

Fred Phelps and John Gibson need to take a road trip to fucking Pluto.

If you want to complain to FoxNews, you can do so here

VIA Huffington Post

Thanks Sarah

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