Ray J Thinks Kim Kardashian Is Lying About Rolling On Ecstasy During Their Sex Tape

November 27, 2018 / Posted by:

Kim Kardashian recently revealed that the two times she popped ecstasy, she ended up getting married for the first time, and filming her sex tape with Ray J. The only problem is, Ray J “sources” are calling bullshit on that.

Kim claimed on Sunday night’s episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians that it was obvious she was on E while she filmed her 2007 sex tape, because her jaw was shaking the whole time. According to sources that spoke with TMZ, Kim hadn’t taken any hard drugs or drank any alcohol during the filming of the tape. She did, however, smoke weed from a pipe shaped like a penis. I doubt said penis pipe exists, because you know Kris Jenner would have auctioned it off with the tape as part of a 2-piece collector’s set.

As for Kim’s claim that her jaw was shaking, a source says that her lips were shaking because “she was getting ******” (I take it they meant “fucked“). Ray J’s sources add that he’s offended Kim would imply she only did the sex tape because of the drugs, because – according to him – she was 100% on board before and during filming.

A few sources have jumped to Kim’s defense, saying she stands by what she said. They add that Kim would have nothing to gain by lying about being high on E during the sex tape, and that the whole experience taught her to be careful with drugs and alcohol later on in life. Personally, I don’t think Ray J should be that offended if Kim says she was on E. It’s not like E really changed Kim that much. Ecstasy Kim put her goodies on camera. Sober Kim puts her goodies on camera too.


Now that I think of it, is Kim sure that E wasn’t maybe just a Tic Tac?

Pic: Wenn.com

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