Ray J Claims He Didn’t Talk Shit About Kim Kardashian

November 7, 2018 / Posted by:

The journal of truth we know as The Sun claimed that Ray J was talking shit about Kim Kardashian at a club in the UK, saying (definitely true things) that she would fix her make-up mid-fuck and answer calls from Pimp Mama Kris while Ray J was doing her. Kim responded to the article by tweeting that he’s a pathological liar. That’s the pathological liar fame whore pot calling the pathological liar fame whore kettle a pathological fame whore. Ray J is saying he never said any of that.

Ray J took to Instagram to post a long-ass video message which begins with: “Yo, this Ray J checking in,” so you can guess how it went from there. He goes on to deny the story that ran in The Sun claiming it is all made up, exaggerated LIES. But an honorable tabloid such as The Sun would never (they have before) do. Here’s a transcript courtesy of People:

“I felt like I needed to come online and shut down all of these false rumors that are going on about me and what I said about somebody I’ve been with in the past… Let me make this one thing clear: I’m in a great place in my life. I’m happy. I love my wife. I’ve got a beautiful new baby girl, her name is Melody Love Norwood and I’ve been trying to be the best parent I can be. I would never say these things after watching my wife go through labor for 28 hours, okay? This is disgusting. The person I am now is not who I was in the past. And I need y’all to give me a chance to grow and to love and to respect the people I’m with without trying to slander my name, please. God is working, and obviously the devil is trying to work, too, but it will not happen. I will not let that happen, y’all… I love my wife and I have nothing but respect for everybody out there, past and present. False rumors.

Here’s the video if you want to watch Ray J lie to your face:


I guess all those “partygoers” who heard Ray J talking shit are all liars? Because Ray J is such a hot commodity everyone is jumping at the opportunity to try and “slander” his name? Clearly the most realistic situation is that these drunk people picked themselves out of their hangovers call The Sun’s offices and lie about you. You know? Because a guy who is famous for once pushing his girlfriend into a pool is really the type of dude you go out of your way to slander. Or the Kartrashians and Ray-J joined unholy forces again to leak that mess to The Sun so they could both get a few headlines. Yeah that’s probably it.

Pic: Instagram

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