Kanye West Helped Design “Blexit” T-Shirts For Candace Owens

October 29, 2018 / Posted by:

Kanye West did his pal and confidant, Candace Owens, a solid by helping her design T-shirts for her new political “movement” called Blexit. What’s, Blexit you ask? Well, it’s a campaign Candace is ramrodding which is supposed to encourage black people to “exit” the democratic party. Per Blexit’s newly launched website: “BLEXIT is a renaissance. It is our formal declaration of independence”. And everybody knows that the one thing every renaissance needs is beautiful art, and thanks to Kanye, this is now “art”.

Here’s the Kanye designed (t-shirt) cannon fodder:


Kanye, Keith Haring just called, he said “Who? Sorry, wrong number”. The t-shirts were given away as schwag at Turning Point USA’s Young Black Leadership Summit. Candace is the communications director for TPUSA and the driving force behind the Blexit “movement” and when I say “movement” I mean website launch with ugly t-shirts.


You did what, exactly? According to Fox News (hey, sometimes you have to go into the hive to get the honey):

The campaign made headlines recently after it was revealed Kanye West helped her design the Blexit logo. “Kanye saw my original design, and said, ‘I can do it better,’” Owens recalled. “It certainly was. He redesigned the logo with vibrant colors inspired by his trip to Uganda.”

Kanye, Uganda just called, they said “Who?“. And as if the t-shirts weren’t bad enough, here’s Candace’s additional “reasoning” for the Blexit movement. Be prepared to have all logic and meaning turned upside down.

“Blexit is the black exit from the Democratic Party. It’s the black exit from permanent victimhood, the black exit from the false idea that we are somehow separate from the rest of America.”

Yes, using rhetoric that evokes both the Brexit separatist movement AND and Marcus Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association, which encouraged black Americans to move to “Back to Africa” during the time of the Harlem Renaissance, Blexit is purporting to be a unification movement to make black people feel more American.

If Kanye West is in the sunken place, then Candace Owens is adrift in the mantle quickly approaching the earth’s outer core. Yes I did have to look up a info-graphic about the earth’s layers before making this analogy because facts matter, even in figurative speech! This is a woman who shamelessly compared Christine Blasey Ford to Carolyn Bryant, the woman who testified against Emmett Till, when getting in the face of a Kavanaugh protester. This is Kanye’s homegirl. I’m done. You two enjoy your molten lava beds, you crazy kids.

Pic: Wenn.com

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