Quincy Jones Says He Dated Ivanka Trump 12 Years Ago, And Knows That Marlon Brando Boned Richard Pryor (UPDATE)

February 7, 2018 / Posted by:

Okay, who’s going to make the, “Trump, smell your daughter on these fingers,” joke about that pic?

Horny ole’ bag of endless tea Quincy Jones already took us for a wild ride during his GQ interview when he bragged about having 22 girlfriends, said he watched the nutsack of Ray Charles get shot up with heroin, and claimed that Marilyn Monroe was interested in getting with him but he turned her down. (I know, everything that comes out of Quincy’s talk hole should be certified as a lie for telling that fairy tale about Marilyn Monroe.)

Quincy is back with another wild interview where he claims he dated Trump’s favorite child, alludes to knowing who REALLY killed JFK and provided me with some good vintage fap material by saying that a young Marlon Brando fucked Marvin Gaye and Richard Pryor. 2018 is bringing the surprises, because who knew that Quincy Jones of all people would turn out to be my favorite neighborhood gossip. Benita Butrell, who?

Quincy starts off his talk with David Marchese for Vulture by summoning the rage of La Toya Jackson when he said that Michael Jackson was the Lady Gaga (or Beyonce, depending on who you stan) of his time because he stole songs left and right. Quincy seems to be a bottomless pot of tea who loves to spill the juice into ears, but he did get all secretive about a few things. He wouldn’t talk about the secrets he knows about the Clintons, didn’t want to say what he knows about Bill Cosby, and started to talk about the Chicago Mafia having something to do with JFK’s assassination before he stopped and said, “We shouldn’t talk about this publicly.” A gossip AND a drama queen. Quincy needs to come and sit by me.

Talk then turned to politics and Trump. Because Quincy claims to know everyone, he claimed to have hung out with Trump, and called Trump a “crazy motherfucker.” Then Quincy dropped in a little nugget about how twelve years ago, he used to “date” Ivanka when she was 24 and he was 72.

I used to date Ivanka, you know. Yes, sir. Twelve years ago. Tommy Hilfiger, who was working with my daughter Kidada, said, “Ivanka wants to have dinner with you.” I said, “No problem. She’s a fine motherfucker.” She had the most beautiful legs I ever saw in my life. Wrong father, though.

Quincy is probably pulling our dicks with that one, but I still love it, because even the thought of Ivanka dating a rich old horny perv who is not named Trump will make Trump explode.

Quincy continued to not give a fuck by dragging the Beatles, saying that when he first heard their music, he thought they were the worst musicians in the world and that Paul was the worst bass player he ever heard. Quincy also took me higher by shitting on U2 when he shook his head after being asked what he thinks about their current music. But what really took me to places was what Quincy had to say about legendary mega slut Marlon Brando. Quincy and David were talking about the cha-cha when he said this about alleged mail box fucker Brando:

He used to go cha-cha dancing with us. He could dance his ass off. He was the most charming motherfucker you ever met. He’d fuck anything. Anything! He’d fuck a mailbox. James Baldwin. Richard Pryor. Marvin Gaye.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Now this is what I wanted to hear. David Marchese must be new to journalism, because he didn’t follow up with a serious journalistic question like, “So do you know if Brando was a bottom? A top? Or was he into flip-flopping.” But David did ask Quincy how he knows that Brando fucked James Baldwin, Richard Pryor and Marvin Gaye.

[Frowns.] Come on, man. He did not give a fuck! You like Brazilian music?

Quincy not only knows how to slide in a juicy tidbit, but he knows how to segue too. I’m going to use that Brazilian line the next time a bill collector calls asking for payment. “Oh, the check is in the mail. You like Brazilian music?

And while I really want to believe that a young Brando and a young Richard Pryor got into some butt fucking fun, it’s hard to believe Quincy when he says things like this in the same interview:

And the Ed Sheeran record is great.

Oh, Quincy, how can we take anything you say seriously when you spit out crazy shit like that!

UPDATE: Richard Pryor’s widow tells TMZ that Quincy wasn’t telling lies when he said that Brando and Pryor fucked. She says he was open with his bisexuality and wrote about it in his diaries, which she’ll publish this year…

Pic: Wenn.com

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