Diane Kruger Defended Quentin Tarantino

February 7, 2018 / Posted by:

Over the weekend, Uma Thurman accused Quentin Tarantino of doing several unpleasant things to her while filming Kill Bill and Kill Bill 2, including chocking and spitting on her, and pressuring her to do a car stunt scene, which ended in a crash that messed up her back and knees. Diane Kruger’s name was brought up in articles covering Uma’s story, as Quentin admitted in a 2009 Parade interview that he choked her while filming Inglourious Basterds because Christoph Waltz didn’t want to do it. Diane responded and would like you to know she’s Team Quentin.

Diane’s comments come a day after Quentin spoke to Deadline to defend himself, swearing he wasn’t the asshole he appeared to be, while also being like “So what if I choked an actress or two?” Quentin’s argument was that he was going for extreme realism, and that he was the only one who could choke or spit on his actresses because he knew he could get it right. He claimed Diane trusted him to do what he needed to do to make it look like she was really choking. Diane confirmed on Instagram what Quentin said; she claims he treated her with respect and never forced her to do anything she didn’t want to.


While Quentin has Diane in his corner, he also has Busy Philipps hissing at him on Twitter for being a creep. Busy had some feelings about Quentin’s recently unearthed 2003 Howard Stern interview where he defended Roman Polanski and claimed Roman’s 13-year-old victim “wanted it.” Apparently she’s not too surprised at QT’s creep tendencies, because she auditioned for him 10 years ago in short-shorts and flip flops at his request.

10 years ago would put Busy’s audition around Death Proof time. And if that’s what the audition was for, then asking her to show up in short-shorts kind of makes sense, since it was a grindhouse-style exploitation film. But flip flops? That request couldn’t be any more Quentin Tarantino if he tried. Every audition probably calls for flip flops. The Hateful Eight was set in the 1800s in the middle of winter, and I’m willing to bet Quentin spent at least a week trying to convince a casting director that flip flops totally existed back then.

Pic: Wenn.com

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