Kanye West Shut Down His Social Media Accounts

May 7, 2017 / Posted by:

You may have noticed the Twitter Bird flying loop-to-loops with gleeful abandon lately and chirping a carefree song. That’s because a great weight has been lifted from its blue back. Kanye West is no longer on Twitter. We can all imagine how heavy a burden his angry and sometimes nonsensical rants with all those capital letters must have been. He has also shut down his Instagram account. Can a person quit the bitch known as “social media” and still live a life of happiness and fulfillment?

The answer is probably “yes,” but I’d be too terrified to try and refrain from curating my every thought and life experience for the perusal and validation of others. I MIGHT DIE. Kanye’s still breathing, though… as far as we know. Pitchfork is letting us know what’s going on with his pages.

The Twitter page for @kanyewest now brings up the site’s “Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!” screen. On Instagram, @kanyewest now yields “Sorry, this page isn’t available.”

Yeezus joined Instagram back in September, so he hasn’t really been on it for that long. His Twitter account vanished for a brief period last August, but that was supposedly an error on Twitter’s side.

Kanye hasn’t given a reason yet as to why he’s no longer using society’s #1 distraction tool for avoiding real life. But I’m sure Kris Jenner sent Kim Kardashian over to Kanye’s house with a camera crew to film the dramatic confrontation over it. On Planet Kardashian, when someone quits social media, you stage an intervention, because that’s extremely disturbing and very dangerous behavior.

Personally, I blame Kanye’s former bestie, president Donald Trump. Kanye probably looked at POTUS’ unending stream of troll nonsense and figured he really couldn’t top that, no matter how many CAPS keys he busted, so he bounced.


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