Sienna Miller Thinks The Rumor About Her Flirting With Brad Pitt Is Silly 

April 13, 2017 / Posted by:

What someone should ask Sienna is if that alien lobster tail on her head is sillier than the rumor that she got flirty with Brad.

Earlier this week, I repeated a rumor from Page Six about how Sienna Miller and Brad Pitt flirted with each other at a dinner after the Hollywood premiere of The Lost City of Z, which she’s in and he executive produced. Hearing that Sienna and Brad did the pre-fuck time ceremony together (aka flirting) is like hearing that a Kartrashian bared her naked oiled-up ass on Instagram. You don’t even bother shrugging because it’s something that it’s inevitable and you don’t want to strain your shoulders. But Sienna isn’t amused.

At the Cinema Society screening of The Lost City of Z on Tuesday night, Page Six asked Sienna about the rumor. Sienna got all soap opera dramatic by saying that she’s not going to even dignify that turd with a response, but then she responded.

“I’m not going to even dignify it with a response. It’s predictable and silly.”

Page Six’s reporter may or may not have followed that up with, “Okay, but did you do him?”

Sienna may not be getting herself a piece of Brad Pitt, but Page Six has another story claiming that he’s dating a bit. They also say that now that he’s St. Angie Jolie-free and is single again, his exes have come sniffing around, even the ones who have boyfriends.

A source says that Juliette Lewis, Kate Hudson, Goopy Paltrow, Christina Applegate and Thandie Newton have all called him up, but he’s not interested in any of them and is staying focused mostly on his work and kids.

“Brad has been dating a bit, but he is extremely careful to keep it secret. He’s focused on his kids, and he’s happy — now that he has settled his divorce from Angelina — to be out of the public eye.”

Page Six also calls Brad “the biggest catch in Hollywood these days.”

So this week we’ve got stories about how Sienna flirted with Brad and how all of his exes are lining up for an encore performance from his dick. It may be a holiday week, but it looks like Brad’s PR team is working overtime. I bet that every morning, People’s editors stroll up to the front door of their office and find a member of Brad’s PR team sitting all desperate-like with their kid. The member of Brad’s PR team grabs them by the legs and screams, “Man, what do I gotta do for you to make Brad your Hottest Man Alive this year? Do you want my first born? Take him! Take him!” Yeah, that’s totally happening at People’s office.


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