Keith Urban Fails To Make It Less Weird Between Nicole Kidman And Jimmy Fallon

November 18, 2016 / Posted by:

Almost two years ago, Nicole Kidman appeared on The Tonight Show and told a story about the time she tried – and failed – to get a date with Jimmy Fallon. Nicole showed up to Jimmy’s apartment and hit on him. Jimmy was a clueless dum-dum and didn’t pick up what Nicole threw down. Nicole returned to The Tonight Show last night to promote her latest movie Lion, and they both played up how awkward it is between the two of them now. The audience didn’t know that they were in for a lot more than just the mental image of Jimmy giggling while doing Nicole’s icicle body.

Nicole joked that she knew it was going to be weird, so she brought her husband Keith Urban with her for support. Aww, the couple that hustles together. And support her he did! Keith pulled her onto his lap and he also came out singing Dream Weaver, because as you’ll see, that was part of Nicole and Jimmy’s joke. But it also makes sense that Keith was singing it, since Dream Weaver sounds like the name of a brand of male hair extensions that makes a set called The Keith.

Nicole also told another story about how she tried to get with Jimmy a second time, and he still wasn’t getting it. She says they were at a party at David Fincher’s house and she kept lurking in the kitchen waiting for Jimmy to give her his phone number. Apparently, Jimmy’s only interest was the crab puffs, because he didn’t bite again. Let’s give Jimmy the benefit of the doubt here. I could see how he might not have caught any of Nicole’s hints. A flirty wink thrown through 500 CCs of Botox is going to look more like a strained eye-twitch.

Here’s Nicole giving you pawn shop porcelain doll realness and Keith at the NYC premiere of Lion on Wednesday night.


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