File Under “Opposite Of Shocking”: LeAnn Rimes And Eddie Cibrian’s Reality Show Got Cancelled

January 21, 2015 / Posted by:

Cue the sound of Brandi Glanville joyfully cackling at the top of her lungs. “You may be younger and prettier, bitch, but at least I’m still on television!” According to People, the reason Brandi is breaking all the fillers in her face in an attempt to smile is because VH1 has cancelled LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian’s reality show, LeAnn & Eddie after one season and eight episodes. Oh no! Now how will LeAnn convince us Eddie is still totally in love with her and definitely not eye-fucking the exit?

People says VH1 had no comment on the cancellation, but I bet it had something to do with LeAnn & Eddie being boring as hell. I only watched one episode, and I went in to it assuming it was going to be filled with squint-eyed dragon drama and smug-faced douche theatrics, and it was not. LeAnn & Eddie was supposed to be eight episodes of LeAnn accusing Eddie of cheating on her with some random chick he met at an audition for a Verizon commercial and Eddie accusing LeAnn of being a drunk mess in front of his kids. Instead we got coma-inducing scenes of LeAnn rearranging the furniture in her living room. Even her dogs seemed to be looking at the camera like “Wait, you’re filming this? Why?

Besides, there’s only enough room on television for one scripted reality show about a skinny blonde attention whore with Tupperware titties and her unemployed beady-eyed bangaholic husband, and that’s True Tori.

Here’s LeAnn strolling through LAX yesterday wearing a pair of fancy-looking pajama bottoms aka what I’d consider my “good” grocery shopping pants:


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