Jason Sudeikis Wants His Nuts In Lindsay Lohan’s Mouth

September 12, 2011 / Posted by:

File this under: Riveting news is RIVETING!

Jason Sudeikis and Lindsay Lohan, seen here looking like a (don’t click on that) prolapsed anus wearing expired eyeliner, were both at a party for Purple Magazine on Saturday night when one thing led to them trying to bust a nut into each other’s mouth holes. A ho who witnessed this important moment in peanut history gave this first-hand account to Page Six:

“Jason and LiLo were sitting across from each other, then Jason started throwing peanuts or paper at her. Lindsay kept ducking to miss them until she decided to throw them right back at him. Then they began throwing nuts at each other trying to get it into each other’s mouths. Once finished they got up and hugged and started laughing together.”

This is the part in the post where I come clean and admit that I only posted this non-story so that I could use that naturally gorgeous picture of Blohan looking like hot death warmed over a plate of dehydrated scab skin. I also posted this so that when the Clinica Mobile nurse lets you know that you have once again contracted Chlamydia of the retinas, you can blame it on that headline.

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