Pink Has Been Pregnant Forever

May 29, 2011 / Posted by:

Pink has had a gut full of baby for almost 9 months now, but it feels like there should be a toddler leg hanging out of her cooch and a 2-year-old’s hand waving out of her mouth. It really feels like somebody set her gestation period to “elephant,” but Pink made the best of it in Malibu yesterday with Carey Hart and their friends.

If you’re going to be the maximum amount of knocked up, you might as well look as fabulous as possible while doing so. This is pretty much what Tyne Daly looked like at her Fried Green Tomatoes audition. Pink is so damn happy that it looks like she’s screaming HEY-LOOOO in every single one of these pictures. And she gets extra points for wearing a white cotton titty curtain that reveals a 10-second nipple show whenever the wind blows it up.

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