Mind The Gap Between Gaycrest’s Ears

January 14, 2009 / Posted by:

American Idol returned last night and surprisingly, Paula wasn’t the one to make an ass out of herself. Give her time before she realizes they are making her signature sweet Vicodin tea with Aspirin instead. Damn them. Paula needs her medicine!

This time, it was Gaycrest’s turn to put on the dunce cap. He wears it so well. After Scott MacIntyre, who is pretty much blind, got a yellow paper to the finals, Gaycrest tried to high-five his ass! Yes, high-fiving a fucking blind dude! And then Gaycrest said, “We’ll SEE you in Hollywood.” I’m surprised Gaycrest didn’t put on sunglasses and do the Stevie Wonder sway! Gaycrest hates blind people.

At that moment, Kathy Griffin got on her hands and knees and apologized to Jesus for telling him to “suck it,” because he gave her this beautiful gift.

You know, that’s not completely fair. Even if Scott had 20/20 vision, he still wouldn’t have been able to see Gaycrest’s high-five from that high up. Gaycrest forgot to get on his step ladder. And Gaycrest probably didn’t even notice the walking stick, because he’s too tiny to see the top part. It’s not his fault.

And the blind dude’s brother is totally hot and totally loves the peen, right? Clip below:

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