Category: Josh Dallas

Snow White And Prince Charming Are Somebody’s Parents

May 31, 2014 / Posted by:

If Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas ever decide to put the acting thing on hiatus and travel back to 2002 to start an experimental synthpop duo, all they’d have to do is Photoshop out the Disney logos behind them, up the contrast by 50%, slap a couple random lasers and lens flares around their faces, and this would be their album cover.

Go ahead an pop a celebratory bottle of enchanted champagne today because Once Upon a Time’s Ginnifer Goodwin (aka Snow White) finally evicted the tiny storybook creature that was living in her fairy tale womb. Us Weekly says that a rep for Ginnifer (one of the 7 dwarves) has confirmed that she and husband Josh Dallas (aka Prince Charming) are now the parents of a baby boy. Wait, so does that make Josh Dallas “King Charming” or the baby “Prince Charming Jr.”? These are the important questions.

No word on what the baby’s name is, but I hope Ginnifer continues the tradition of spellings that crash the autocorrect on your phone. Instead of Jackson, it could be Gyaxon. Or Giremy instead of Jeremy. I could do this all day, but I’m going to stop, because it feels like my brain found the part that causes dyslexia and started poking it with a sharp stick.

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