Hailey Bieber Calls Out Her Critics For Being “Cruel”

April 30, 2019 / Posted by:

Hailey Bieber is really learning fast what it means to be the wife of one of the most beloved pop stars in the world. I’m not talking about all the perks and glamour like concerts and parties and Vogue magazine covers. I’m talking about the downfalls. The paparazzi. The haters. And worse than the haters- the superfans.

Over the weekend, Justin Bieber and his wife found themselves in the middle of a mild internet ruckus when some keen-eyed fans noticed that Justin was still searching for Selena Gomez videos post-marriage. *Gasp!* (Not really.) This led to Hailey taking a stand(ish) and calling out the “cruel” people on social media. On social media? I think you mean humanity, sis. They’re off-screen assholes also.

People reports that Hailey is not going to take it anymore. What happened was, on Thursday, Justin tried to clown on someone who misspelled his name. But the clown ended up being Justin himself, when his fans noticed his search history included his ex Selena Gomez, Coachella performance where she “surprised” (security at Coachella must be shit, all these celebrities just “showing up” unannounced) the crowd, Cardi B, Ozuna and DJ Snake. Justin defended himself, saying that Selena showed up in his search history because they are related videos, and he and Hailey had just been self-congratulating Justin on all his lip syncing at his own Coachella performance. He said he had “nothing to hide.” He also said that people have their own “fantasys” of how his life should be. But girl, buckle in, because Justin does what Justin wants. He later deleted his explanation, but a fan site got a screenshot of it:

Saturday, Hailey was still getting dragged by the side of the internet who is pro-Selena Bieber and anti-Hailey Bieber and she had had enough, so she let us know it on her own Twitter account:



Justin’s mom, Pattie Mallette, came to Hailey’s defense letting the world know that she is team Hailey and you can all step off:

Justin and Hailey need to pick a lane. Either it’s: “leave me alone, I’m my own person, stay away from me and mine.” Or it’s: “pray for me while I willingly share my struggle.” You can’t get mad for people being in your business when you’re telling them all of your business.

And I mean, if Hailey really wants to compare, yeah those Selena stans are serious business. But if you think people are mad that Selena and Justin didn’t end up together, imagine the hate those One Direction boys get now that not one of them has shaken out to be gay?

Pic: Instagram

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