British News Channels Hired Actors To Recreate Prince Harry’s Testimony In Tabloid Privacy Case

June 7, 2023 / Posted by:

Prince Harry and nearly 100 others are currently suing the publisher Mirror Group Newspapers, which publishes The Daily Mirror, for phone hacking and pulling other “unlawful” tabloid tricks to get dirt on them. Over the past couple of days, the Duke of Sussex testified for nearly eight hours in London’s High Court. Unfortunately for the media, filming inside the courtroom is forbidden, so there isn’t any footage of the proceedings, just written transcripts. So, some British news stations have been forced to get creative and weird. Indy100 reports that both Sky News and GB News hired ginger actors to recreate the most dramatic moments of Harry’s testimony. That’s right. Those two men in the header pic? They aren’t just two Harrys… they’re his thespian doppelgängers!

Sky News’ Harry is actor Laurence Dobiesz, who isn’t even a natural ginger. He dyed his hair for the role! Boooo. In Sky News’ “reconstruction,” Laurence-Harry claims, “as a child, every single one of these articles played an important role – uh, a destructive role in my growing up.” Whoa. And the Oscar goes to! Here’s Laurence-Harry doing his thing:

GB News’ Harry actor may look a little bit more like the real Harry, but his voice is a little too husky. Like that one actor from Chernobyl (you know the one):

Prince Harry has finished giving evidence in the case, so hopefully, we don’t get any more bizarro Harrys. CBC reports that, at the end of his testimony, he appeared emotional. His lawyer, David Sherborne, asked him how it felt to answer questions about his allegations in court when “the world’s media are watching.” Real Harry exhaled deeply and replied, “It’s a lot.” 

I hope Sky and GB News are paying those actors good money to zhuzh up their news reports. And if they aren’t, I know a certain big-eared royal who’s missing his youngest son. Whaddaya say, King Charles? Wanna pull an Elton John’s Mom and hire a lookalike to fill your estranged son void?

Pics: YouTube

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