Professional Troll Milo Yiannopoulous Reportedly Invoiced Kanye West For $116,000 After Getting Fired From His Presidential Campaign

December 6, 2022 / Posted by:

2024 Presidential hopeful Kanye West may be mentally unhinged, but that never stopped the previous administration from trying to rebrand the White House as the Caucasian Home For The Criminally Insane. However, Kanye’s primary obstacle isn’t the color of his skin, rather, it’s the shallowness of his pockets and the limits of his own imagination. TMZ reports that Kanye imagined his fledgling campaign staff would work for free, however, in reality, Milo Yiannopoulous, one of Kanye’s chief leeches, has invoiced him for $116,000 after getting fired (and/or quitting, depending on who you ask) this week. And here I thought my salad days of political reporting ended in a parking lot in front of Four Seasons Total Landscaping. Suck it, boomers! There’s a new generation of charlatans, hucksters, and utterly deranged lunatics with broken brains ready to throw it all away for a shot at ruining things for the rest of us. USA! USA!

TMZ notes that Kanye hasn’t declared his intentions to run for President in any official capacity just yet, but maybe that’s just because he hasn’t been able to figure out how to upload his resume to the cloud yet. According to TMZ:

Kanye West’s pockets aren’t as deep as they used to be, which might explain why he was none too pleased by Milo Yiannopoulos charging him more than $100K after their media blitz together.

Sources connected to Ye tell us he and Milo never had a financial agreement for the right-wing extremist to work as an advisor. However, we’ve obtained an invoice, dated Dec. 1 and allegedly sent from Milo to Kanye … for $116,000!!!

We’re told because Kanye hasn’t yet officially declared a run for president in 2024, everyone who has worked with him so far — including white nationalist Nick Fuentes and far-right activist Ali Alexander — have worked as volunteers.

As we reported, Milo told the Daily Beast he and Kanye decided to part ways after reaching a “mutual conclusion” … and we’re told the issue of money was a big part of that conclusion.

Unfortunately, without Milo’s technical experience and expertise in such matters, he may never be able to file the appropriate paperwork. Apparently, that invoice was for “116,000 I Told You So’s @$1/per.” According to The Daily Beast, Milo, who wisely said, “you guys go ahead, I’ll catch up” when Kanye and Nick appeared on Infowars, “insisted he decided to leave Ye’s operation on his own” and that clashes between himself and Nick may be the reason for his departure.

Far-right provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos has been fired from the informal 2024 presidential campaign of Ye, the music star formerly known as Kanye West.

“Ye and I have come to the mutual conclusion that I should step away from his political team,” Yiannopoulos told The Daily Beast on Sunday afternoon. “I will continue to pray for Ye and all his endeavors.”

Yiannopoulos’s exit marks the latest intrigue in the rapper’s camp, where far-right activists grapple for influence over the wealthy rapper—and the private jet travel and other perks that come with it.

Even before Yiannopoulos’s firing, tensions had become public between him and Fuentes. After Yiannopoulos told NBC News that Fuentes was brought to dinner with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago to “make Trump’s life miserable,” Fuentes contradicted him.

On Sunday afternoon, allegations emerged in far-right media that Yiannopoulos was fired after attempting to make some power “move against” Fuentes.

While allegations circle about why the far-right troll was given the boot, Yiannopoulos claimed to The Daily Beast that he had “concerns about a potential new hire” but wouldn’t name the individual in question.

If there really is a God up in heaven and a devil downstairs (or vice versa, they’re clearly double-teaming our asses) please let it be former New York State gubernatorial candidate Andrew Guiliani, Amen.


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