Hot Slut Of The Day!

December 6, 2022 / Posted by:

The brave man who risked hypothermia of the nipples to save a pooch in need!

October’s Hot Slut of the Month winner was Michael Ross, a dude who saved a cat from getting eaten by rising flood waters during Hurricane Ian. And September’s HSOTM grand champion was Colin Mitchell, the UPS driver who saved two dogs who were trapped in a pool. Well, let’s see if this latest hero can complete the animal savior HSOTM trinity!

Newsweek says that TikTok user Keirsten Slagle decided to give everyone a case of the swoons by posting a video from Thanksgiving Day of her heroic boyfriend taking off his shirt and risking freezing his nipple knobs and huevos off by going into a frozen lake to save a dog who was trapped. Yes, dude did this on Thanksgiving. So while many of us were sprawling our bloated carcasses onto the sofa after shoving our eating holes with enough calories to keep a small country fed for weeks, this dude was out there saving a fluffy friend! As Keirsten and somebody else tried to guide the dog hero, he broke through the ice while making his way to the poor pooch. He then scooped her up to bring her back to safety. Behold, a man giving everyone a case of panty pudding by saving a dog!


On thanksgiving my boyfriend saved a dog that fell through ice🤍 #rescue #fyp #ice #dog @austin.mccarthy

♬ original sound – Keirsten Slagle

Keirsten said in the comments that her boyfriend’s body was completely cut up when he got back from earning sainthood by saving a dog from a frozen death.

My heart is made of pure ice, and yet I still got the painful shivers in a major way while watching Keirsten’s man go into that icy water. But I warmed up with the awwwws after he saved the dog. And if these grown men keep saving animals on camera, I’m going to have to go to Urgent Care. “Hi, yes, I’d like to see a doctor STAT because I keep feeling warm things in my chest area.

Pic: TikTok

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