Kathy Griffin Was Suspended From Twitter After Impersonating Elon Musk, But She Found A Way Back

November 7, 2022 / Posted by:

Ever since Elon Musk was forced to follow through with his asinine choice to buy Twitter for $44 billion, the site has been in absolute chaos, which is saying a lot for a Hellscape such as Twitter. There have been vast numbers of layoffs, which triggered lawsuits from employees. There’s going to be a new tiered system where verified subscribers can pay $8 for a blue checkmark and priority placement in the timeline. Elon tried to roast advertisers for leaving and simultaneously assured them that site moderation would not lead to the N-word being used all the time, even though he fired much of his moderation team. It’s a shit show that became a delicious mess over the weekend when an unlikely warrior Valerie Bertinelli popped up and helped lead the charge to show Elon Musk the big gaping hole in his new blue check system. To get a blue checkmark, you don’t need to actually prove who you say you are. So Valerie decided to point that out by changing her account name to “Elon Musk.”  Kathy Griffin did it, too, and was suspended, but found a way back on. Now there’s an army of fake Elon Musks causing trouble in his own house. Which I think is totally fair because Elon has been impersonating a man of intelligence for years, and it’s about time someone gave him a dose of his own medicine.

Valerie Bertinelli decided to show that she’s smarter than Elon Musk and switched her name to his, writing that verification used to mean that “scammers would have a harder time impersonating you,” and that “no longer applies.” She also used the opportunity to promote voting for Democrats in the midterm elections this week before changing her name back when she started trending. But luckily, there are lots of people who want to pretend to be Elon Musk to make his life miserable, via People:

She proceeded to make her point by tweeting hashtags like #VoteBlueToProtectYourRights and retweeting articles about the midterm elections throughout the day under Musk’s name…

The One Day at a Time alum eventually ended her tweeting spree on Sunday, writing: “Okey-dokey I’ve had my fun and I think I made my point.”

Comedian Sarah Silverman also changed her name, background and profile picture to mimic Musk’s on Saturday, according to CNN. She reportedly tweeted in his name: “I am a freedom of speech absolutist and I eat doody for breakfast every day.”

Here are some of Valerie’s tweets:

Deadline says that unlike Valerie, Kathy did get suspended from Twitter for changing her name. But she got back on Twitter after resurrecting the account of her dearly departed mother, Maggie Griffin, and began tweeting from Maggie’s account. Elon also clarified that now people will be suspended for impersonating people without making it clear it’s “parody”:



Elon–who has a crumbling and costly social media platform to repair and other businesses to allegedly be running–decided to spend some time going back and forth with the ghost of Kathy Griffin’s mother:


Elon also lied about only banning non-parody accounts because various comedians and social media personalities began piling onto the richest man in the world via parody and also got banned:

Welp, that woman who was successfully scammed by a fake Brad Pitt really should steer clear of Twitter for a while because it’s lawless over there right now. Many people are about to lose money and dignity to fake profiles with $8 to spend on nonsense. If you have the type of online family members who spread baseless conspiracy theories in group chats, please let them know they are at risk!

Pic: Britta Pedersen/DPA/Cover Images

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