Gary Busey Denies The Allegations That He Sexually Assaulted Women At A Horror Movie Convention

August 23, 2022 / Posted by:

Over the weekend, walking denture “don’t” and purveyor of unsolicited inspirational “Buseyism” acronyms, Gary Busey, racked up several charges for allegedly sexually assaulting three women at the Monster-Mania convention in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. According to Page Six, the charges include “two counts of criminal sexual contact, one count of criminal attempt/criminal sexual contact and one count of harassment,” but 78-year-old Gary says that the charges are bogus and he’s done nothing wrong–even after things got even more Busey-y and he was reportedly spotted with his pants down on a Malibu park bench, just one day after his alleged sex crime charges.

Gary caused a real conundrum at a horror event (that he most likely only got invited to because of his spine-tingling child-eating grill and someone more sought-after probably canceled). via Page Six:

On Friday, the actor was charged following an alleged interaction with two women at the horror convention. Despite no details of the incident being released, Cherry Hill Police Lt. Robert Scheunemann said that “it was about contact. It was about touching,” according to the Philadelphia Inquirer. The outlet also reported that police received multiple complaints about his conduct.

But Gary says that nothing happened and probably that this is all just F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real).

However, he told TMZ on Monday that “nothing happened” with the two women who accused him and further added that he didn’t have “any regrets” about the way he acted at the convention.

“It was all false,” he claimed when asked if the allegations were true. “I don’t care because there are no accusations.”

The “Under Siege” actor then added that the interaction with the “two girls took less than 10 seconds” before “they left.”

“Then they made their story,” he claimed, before alleging that “his partner and the camerawoman” were his witnesses, reiterating that “nothing happened.”

Ah yes, probably just a get-rich-quick scheme to rip off a wholesome guy who pretty recently filed for bankruptcy (again) and has been accused of sexual assault before.  And as Mieka covered in her post, one day after the news of his charges broke, it was also shared that Gary was spotted raw-dog sitting on a Malibu park bench, and those pictures have made their way to our fever dreams:

Page Six adds that when Gary was on Celebrity Big Brother in 2014, he reguarly took down his pants in front of everyone to “restrap” his “bad knee.” via Page Six:

It is unclear why Busey was half naked, but it is not the first time he has done so in public. He reportedly did the same multiple times while participating in the UK version of “Celebrity Big Brother” in 2014.At the time, Busey explained his “bad knee” made him do it, adding, “When my knee pops out on the lateral side, I sit down and restrap the knee.

Ah, “restrapping the knee,” a likely story, I’m sure. Gary has clearly fully embraced his long-beloved Donald Trump’s Art of the DEAL (Disobey, Encroach, Assault, Lie) and is ready for his Republican National Committee debut, which could be held at Mar-A-Lago where I’m sure there are bare ball benches aplenty.

Pic: Vince Flores/

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