Ireland Baldwin Says The Media Won’t Stop Bringing Up The “Rude Thoughtless Little Pig” Thing

February 10, 2022 / Posted by:

In 2007, TMZ published a voice mail message that was left by Alec Baldwin for his then-11-year-old daughter Ireland Baldwin (remember, this was before Alec had 1.6 million kids with Hilaria Baldwin). In it, he called his child a rude, thoughtless little pig, and not in a cute or jokey way. Alec was pissed at her. Ireland Baldwin’s name has been dragged into many conversations about being called an RTLP, and she recently made it known the media is the reason why her name is synonymous with the content in that voice mail message. Alec probably texted to Ireland: “I asked everyone to stop talking about that voice mail message.

Ireland joined TikTok’s “That’s Not My Name” challenge, which is a way for famous types to list previous character names that literally no one has ever called them, except for maybe an absent-minded script supervisor. Ireland doesn’t exactly have an extensive IMDb page worthy of the challenge, so she put her own spin on it by listing ways that perhaps the media has described her. Like, a rude thoughtless little pig, among other things. Here’s that video, the purpose of which is to stress that Ireland is more than just the things she’s read about herself. For example, did you know Ireland isn’t just the daughter of two famous people? I mean, that’s mostly who the majority of the viewing public know her to be, but she’s also a writer, apparently.

As Ireland writes, she used to stress over reading headlines and comments about herself. But now, she “could give less of a shit what [the media]” calls her. Technically, though, the media was just repeating what her own father called her. But Ireland isn’t just sick of being called a rude thoughtless…well, you know. In her video, some of the names that aren’t hers are, “Fat,” the aforementioned “thoughtless little pig,” and my personal favorite, “well-off silver spoon fed brat [with] no real job.” Which media outlet called her that?? It was totally those shady bitches at NPR.


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