Demi Lovato’s Ex Max Ehrich Is Back At It Again

October 2, 2020 / Posted by:

The “drama” surrounding the break-up between Demi Lovato and her boyfriend of five months (and fiancé of two months) Max Ehrich has practically gone on longer than their whole relationship. Max’s whole thing is that he insists he found out about the split via the tabloids. Demi denied it. Max whined on Instagram, before finally admitting it was over. Then, Demi released a break-up song about him. Max didn’t like that. As he’s made abundantly clear, he has no interest in attention or the trappings of fame. He’s only here to make art. Specifically, his new arthouse film, Southern Gospel, a movie with both good morals and a cast and crew held hostage by their leading man’s broken heart. As if worrying about on-set coronavirus safety wasn’t tough enough…

But for someone who doesn’t like attention, Max sure does post a lot of content. Last night around 2:45 AM, Max took to Instagram Live to emote, fake-cry, and whine about the injustice of it all. He also took a swipe at Ariana Grande by comparing himself to Pete Davidson, which… sure:

I played stenographer and transcribed the heartbreaking video, in which Max improvises a beautiful monologue fated to become an audition standard for theatre kids across America. This will surely please Max, who’s all about art and children (specifically the child actors on the set of Southern Gospel who shouldn’t have to deal with all this drama):

So to, like, have someone use me as, like… (stops, he’s trying not to cry, turns around to hide his “tears”… turns back around) It’s not even literally about me. There are…(pauses again, attempts to compose himself) There’s, like, a crew with, like, kids. Like, children. Um…

Stop using me as a pond (he means “pawn”) in a PR stunt. STOP. Stop breaking into my AirBnB. Stop harassing me. Stop harassing my mom, my family, the people around me. To scare us. Just, like, make art. I’ll support you. (sarcastically)You’re all great. You’re all awesome.”

Literally just like leave me alone. And stop using your millions of dollars to write false, fake news about me. For I have to go to work tomorrow and work for my money. I’m a person. A living, breathing person with feelings… with blood in my arms. Like, aren’t you tired? Aren’t you… (scoffs) All I’ve done is love in my whole heart, and you’re… pfft.

If y’all wanna villainize me, psh, literally say whatever you wanna say at this point. It’s just the craziest thing. This is the most bizarre experience that I hope no one ever has to experience ever. Cuz no person deserves to feel this way.

Pete Davidson didn’t deserve to feel this way. Do you think he wrote that text to Mac Miller? Ha. Open your eyes. It’s a… calculated PR stunt. but my team is going to hate me for saying any of this. But I’m not controlled by the media, by the press, by my people, I’m just… I’m here to share my truth, and I think people deserve that.

It’s 2020, we’ve all been through enough stuff to let the media manipulate how we all feel and how we all think, so I’m just gonna be real. I’m not gonna let – I’ll deal with the repercussions later, genuinely. But, at this point, Instagram, social media is a tool, for artists, like myself, to be able to, like, express their truth. The media is manipulated. And that’s why Instagram and these platforms are so amazing.

Cuz I get to come on here at 2:45 in the morning when I’m literally just trying to go to bed and do my job, but I can’t, cuz I’ve got people calling me in the middle of the night, trying to scare me. It’s the weirdest thing ever, guys. Let your talent speak for itself. Make your art, and don’t use people as, like, clickbait. I’m not clickbait, I’m a person. Just like yer a person.

I was in love, the whole world should frickin’ know it. I thought I found the real deal. Now I found out that I was used. Heh! But I hope the song’s #1, because… you know what? If that’s what someone wants in the material world, here you go. You have it. I hope this makes you happy. Enjoy. You just lost the one who loved you. Fully, completely, infinitely, for everything.

Anyway, I’m gonna go try to get some sleep (breathes heavily and shakes his head).

Max followed up the live soliloquy with a post pleading with the public to stop cyberbullying him. His momma, Rhonda Ehrich, chimed in her own message of support:

Poor Rhonda is probably going to get shit from Max for her response. First of all, she didn’t plug his movie! Second of all, she also didn’t write, “Besides, I’d rather have Selena Gomez as a daughter-in-law than Demi Lovato.

Pic: Instagram

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