A Demi Lovato Source Says Max Ehrich Knew Their Relationship Was Over Before It Went Public

September 28, 2020 / Posted by:

On Saturday Max Ehrich dropped the devastating bomb that he found out Demi Lovato dumped him through the tabloids. The 29-year-old singer/actor/Selena Gomez stan revealed this scintillating info on his Instagram stories. Demi’s camp soon responded, with a source telling People, “Demi made Max aware that the relationship was over and it was going to come out in the press.”

To refresh your memory, Max is on the set of a very important Christian film, initially posting, Imagine finding out about the status of your relationship through a tabloid, While your [sic] in the middle of filming a biopic movie about a Pastor in a Christian Church whose intention of the film is to help people.” Seriously, people! IMAGINE!

In response to Demi’s source’s denial, Max doubled down with (you guessed it) more Instagram stories, claiming cast and crew on SOUTHERN GOSPEL were forced to witness his horrifying tabloid discovery and help this budding Jared Leto-type get back into character:

Leave Max alone! He’s Daytime Emmy-nominated for Best Younger Actor for his groundbreaking work in Young & the Restless! He’s finally starring in a film that has great morals (unlike his salacious turn as “principal dancer” in High School Musical 3)! And he doesn’t have time for this petty fame shit, since his house was maybe broken into (wait, what?):

Then the guy who doesn’t want any attention (especially from burglars) claimed that he and Demi are still together since she didn’t dump him over the phone yet:

I think I figured out the problem here. When Demetria Lovato informed Max they were through, he was probably on set, 100% in character as the noble Christian pastor. Pastor-Max was all, “Demi WHO? I only receive messages from my main man G.O.D.”, handed the phone over to Jesus, and the conversation never got logged into Real-Max’s mind. These are the hazards of method acting, people!

But finally, this morning, this messy ex-soap actor (who I hope we haven’t seen the last of… he’s single, Selena!) finally declared the greatest coronavirus love story of our time is dunzo:

So it’s over. It’s really over. And I’m genuinely sad for Max, who doesn’t deserve to be dumped via the tabloids or publicly maligned. Especially since he’s making a Christian movie. Everybody knows that if you’re involved in religious cinema, you’re basically untouchable. Which is exactly why Mel Gibson is so keen on filming that sequel to Passion of the Christ.

Pics: Instagram

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