Lena Dunham Says She Caught COVID-19

August 1, 2020 / Posted by:

Because I guess she wanted the internet to be filled with “Of course she did!” comments, Lena Dunham has resurfaced not long after fleeing to Wales and filling 100 Lisa Frank diaries with poems directed at the ex who broke her heart, to talk about her experience with catching and slowly, slowly, recovering from COVID-19.

According to Page Six, Lena––who, by the way, knows and accepts that a lot of people hate on her for being one of the biggest examples of privileged nepotism working today––has been in full recovery mode for the past few weeks. Lena is usually in the “newsfor her usual brand of fuckery, but this time she’s in the news to talk about how she caught coronavirus back in March and how the virus is not a joke. Lena posted a masked selfie onto her Instagram account yesterday, followed by a thorough chronicling of her symptoms.


Lena, who has endometriosis, and fibromyalgia, Ehler-Danlos syndrome, said that it all started with exhaustion and it went from there:

“It started with achy joints,” Dunham wrote, “then the pain was joined by a crushing fatigue. Then a fever of 102…Suddenly my body simply revolted.”

During her illness, she wrote that, “the nerves in my feet burned and muscles wouldn’t seem to do their job. My hands were numb. I couldn’t tolerate loud noises. I couldn’t sleep but I couldn’t wake up. I lost my sense of taste and smell.”

“It felt like I was a complex machine that had been unplugged and then had my wires rerouted into the wrong inputs.”

Lena has since tested negative, but goes on to say that she is STILL experiencing side effects and symptoms of the virus that she didn’t have before her diagnosis, including swollen hands and feet, migraines and fatigue. Lena says that she decided to share her story as a result of reading about all of the idiots out there who are continuing to rebel against social distancing and wearing masks:

“When you take the appropriate measures to protect yourself and your neighbors, you save them a world of pain.”

And well, Lena’s right, but she should also take that advice the next time she decides to overshare another heave-inducing dingle about her life.

Pic: Instagram

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