89-Year-Old Bernie Ecclestone Welcomed His First Son Into The World

July 2, 2020 / Posted by:

Bernie Ecclestone, the Formula One racing billionaire, is 89 years old and he’s just become a father for the fourth time. Bernie and his 44-year-old Brazilian wife, Fabiana Flosi, welcomed a new baby into the world yesterday. Before you let out a judgemental, “GROSS!”, noted Black Lives Matter activist Bernie has probably already bonded with his new child as he held the baby in his arms and said,By the way, it’s not your fault that you’re white!

CNN says Bernie’s first son was born yesterday and a spokesperson confirmed they named him Ace Ecclestone. Ace joins 65-year-old Deborah Ecclestone, 35-year-old Tamara Ecclestone, and 31-year-old Petra Ecclestone as children of Bernie’s.

Bernie, who ran Formula One for 40 years and is credited for making the sport into an $8 billion business, talked to Blick about the birth of his fourth child, and so did his Brazilian wife, saying that Ace shot out of there quick. via Hello Magazine:

“We have a son named Ace. I am so proud,” Bernie told Swiss German news organisation Blick.

Proud mum Fabiana added that the birth, which took place at 12:05pm in Interlaken, Switzerland, had been “easy”, saying: “It was all so easy. The birth was over after 25 minutes. Thank god!”

When Bernie confirmed Fabiana was pregnant with his fourth child, he shrugged at being a father to a newborn when he’s right around the corner from turning 90. Bernie said that there’s really no difference in having a kid when you’re in your 20s or in your 80s, saying, “I don’t see there is any difference between being 89 and 29. You have got the same problems, I suppose.” Um, maybe when you’re rich and your only parenting problem is remembering the name of all your nannies.

And congratulations to Fabiola and Baby Ace for never ever having to worry about bills again. And also congratulations to Bernie’s jizz. To think people were saying that he busts dust. Well, that dick dust has still got it.

Pic: Instagram

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